The Free Press Online is the web newspaper of Alan and Pat Franklin.
Alan is a British newspaperman who for 21 years edited a paper 45 miles from London. Pat is his American wife. Alan’s first book was: ‘EU: Final World Empire.’
He followed this up with two more books, co-authored by Pat: 'Goodbye America, Goodbye Britain', and 'Cults and Isms: True or False?'
Alan and Pat were agnostic liberals until Pat was converted to Christianity in 1981. Two years later Alan also opened his heart to the Lord Jesus Christ. Their lives have never been the same since. As a journalist, Alan was amazed to find that the Bible has a great deal to say about the time we live in, and that Bible prophecies are actually coming true today.
He does broadcasts for American Christian radio and TV programs, providing updates on prophetic events unfolding in Europe, and also speaks at prophetic conferences and to churches.

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'Behold, I am coming quickly (suddenly), and My reward is with me to render to every man according to what he has done.'
Revelation 22:12

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