Find out the facts about the false faiths! A book for every Christian's bookshelf. Alan Franklin writes..

One of the pictures from our new book - the Great White Throne replica in a masonic cemetery. Masons are never told that the White Throne judgement is the judgement of the damned (Rev 20).

Do many Mormons really wear magic underwear?  Why do most Jehovah’s Witnesses never take communion?  Why do Seventh Day Adventists think that Sunday worship is the Mark of the Beast?  Why does Islam teach that the only sure way to Heaven is to kill Jews and Christians?  Why do Catholics never learn that Jesus clearly forbade the worship of His mother? 

Why do freemasons think they will be at the Great White Throne, when it is the judgement of the damned?  You will learn the truth about all this and much, much more in our  book, 'Cults and Isms: True or False?'  This is a cults book with a difference, with eight color pages of pictures and our personal experiences of New Age/psychic activities - and why you should avoid them like the plague! We can ship a box of our books, 48 copies, to any church in America for $275, shipping included.

Calling all who love the truth!  It’s time to arm yourselves with the facts. When the truthbenders arrive on your doorstep, or your son is made a seemingly irresistible offer by some cult offering to pay his way through college (in return for a lifelong commitment) – you need to engage in spiritual warfare by speaking out the truth. Our  book, Cults and Isms: True or False?, is packed with facts that will help you combat the false teachings of the cults.    

  • Do many Mormons really wear magic underwear? (Unfortunately, yes)And why did their founders teach that men lived on the moon – and the sun as well!
  • Why are Jehovah’s Witnesses afraid ever to take communion?
  • Why do Seventh Day Adventists think that Sunday worship is the Mark of the Beast?
  • Why does Islam teach that the only sure way to Heaven is to kill Jews and Christians?
  • Why do Catholics never learn that Jesus clearly forbade the worship of His mother, that God forbids the reverence of statues and images, that Peter had a wife …and many other things.
  • See what Baal looked like – and the Baal lookalike which may be at your house!
  • See the Great White Throne replica at a Masonic cemetery – and have the facts at your fingertips to witness to Freemasons.
  • See the hideous statue in Breisach, Germany, which marks the founding of the European Union – a statue that is straight from the Book of Revelation!

 All this and much more is in our  book, Cults and Isms: True or False? You can order by clicking on the book picture on this webpage. Find out the truth, for the Truth will set you free! God is not a God of confusion, but has given us sound minds. It’s time to arm yourself with the facts. You can buy individual copies or get bulk supplies at special prices for everyone in your church. Just click on to our web shop or e-mail us for more details.

If you want Alan to come and speak about this subject, please email to  He also speaks on other topics including:

  • the European Union superstate which has swallowed up almost all of Europe 
  • the Middle East in Bible prophecy
  • the coming New World Order

 He makes no charge for speaking, and our policy is to try to honour all speaking requests if we possibly can.


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'Peace (shalom) I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world give do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.'
John 14:27

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