Home remedies for dermatitis and lowering cholesterol

  A friend with a long standing dermatitis problem believes it has been cured by taking propolis, a bee product.  She took twenty drops of propolis mixed with a little water twice a day, and says her dermatitis has disappeared.  Of course some people are allergic to bee products, so this is not for everyone to try, and it is not for babies. She also took vitamin B supplements.  The dermatitis had already decreased when she cut sugar almost completely out of her diet, but she could not entirely get rid of it until she tried propolis.Cholesterol – lower it with garlic and lemon!  This comes from the wife of a pastor.  Her husband’s cholesterol was appreciably lowered by this means.


5 Lemons

30 Garlic cloves

1.25 Litres water


Peel cloves

Cut lemons into small pieces

Puree together in a mixer

Add to the water and bring to the boil [let it bubble only once!]


Sieve and store the liquid in bottles. Store in a cool place. Each day drink 3 tablespoons of the liquid. Do this for three weeks, then rest one week and repeat for a further three weeks. This cheap course of treatment should be repeated yearly.


  • Alzheimer’s.  Turmeric, the spice which gives a cheerful orange tint to rice and other dishes, might prevent Alzheimer’s disease, and might slow down the rate of damage for those who already have the disease.
Alzheimer’s is marked by clumps of plaque in the brain and the research on rats fed with turmeric showed that the plaque was reduced by 50%.   Turmeric is used in many Indian dishes like curry, and rates of Alzheimer’s in India are far lower in than in the west.  Some studies have shown that only 1% of people over 65 in India are affected by Alzheimer’s. Researchers say that the spice also aids digestion, fights infection and guards against heart attacks.Turmeric contains a compound called curcumin, which has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and is said by some researchers to have potential as a treatment for the prevention of Alzheimer's disease, especially when used along with anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen. Below are some other home remedies, but obviously, if you have medical problems – see your doctor.    
  • Cinnamon for blood sugar
Some researchers claim that just half a teaspoon of cinnamon a day can significantly lower blood sugar level, in some studies by as much as 20 per cent.  Cinnamon can be sprinkled on cereals, toast, added to casseroles (especially nice with chicken), as well as the traditional apple pies and rice puddings. Even soaking a cinnamon stick in your tea or coffee also works, according to some studies.   One study showed that cinnamon also lowered blood levels of fats and "bad" cholesterol, and in test tube experiments it neutralised free radicals (damaging chemicals).
  • Digestion
People at our church are enthusing about the merits of 'activated charcoal', a substance you can buy at health food shops or pharmacies.  Some are claiming it cured them of diverticulitis and other digestive disorders.  We just pass this on.  If you have stomach problems, ask your pharmacist if it might help you.  One doctor in the USA told us that it is often prescribed in poisoning cases to absorb toxin and clear the system.
  • Stye and skin infections
An elderly aunt of mine in the USA told me an old country cure for a stye (sore, red lump on or inside the eyelid) - rub it with a gold ring (wash the ring first, of course).  Gold is an ingredient in some skin medicines, and it does seem to work if you get a stye.  Also try gold with any other skin problem.  One teenager who had a boil (pimple) coming, rubbed it with a (clean) gold ring at bedtime.  She could feel a large, sore lump forming below the surface of the skin on her chin.  After rubbing it with the ring at bedtime, the boil was gone by morning.  There was no redness, and even the lump beneath the skin was gone.  This was amazing, but it is true.
  • Boggie plant (please will someone start marketing this wonder plant!)
There is a South African plant call the boggie plant (pronounced 'baw-ha') which South African farming families use to cure skin ailments.  A friend of ours told us of this. Her father is a South African farmer, and she went to visit him.  She was suffering from red, sore, itchy patches of skin on both legs. Her Dad told her to pick some leaves from the boggie plant which grew in their back yard, and rub them on her legs. He said all the farmers used this plant for skin problems.  She came back to England three weeks later totally cured.  We have told many people about this plant, hoping that someone will research it or market the leaves.  So far no one has that we know of, but maybe one of our readers will think of a way to get this cure out into the public eye.  So many people suffer from skin complaints, and the boggie plant sounds like a God-given cure.
  • Cramps
If you feel a cramp coming, pinch the middle of your upper lip hard between your thumb and index finger.  Keep pinching, and the cramp will subside before it can get a grip on you.  This works. We don't know why; maybe there are nerves in the lip that send a message to the brain or something like that. 
  • Start your own herb garden
A pastor's wife who suffered from stomach problems told us she had a little sand pit for grandchildren. She got rid of the sand and put some earth in it and bought half a dozen culinary herbs.  She planted up the container and didn't know how to cook with herbs, so she just picked a few leaves from each plant and threw them in with whatever she was cooking. To her surprise, her stomach problems disappeared!  We took this to heart, and have some herbs growing most of the year, including mint, oregano, basil, thyme, rosemary, hyssop, lovage, lemon balm etc.  A British science program investigating herbs found that while modern medicine might contain a two or three compounds, some herbs contain hundreds of compounds, and no one knows what they might do for the body.  They did not have the budget to analyze many herbs, but they did find two in particular which worked - gingko (for all sorts of ailments) and St John's Wort (for lifting depression).  The gingko cured one man who could only walk a short distance.  After he started taking gingko, he was able to walk miles. We hope these snippets of information might help someone out there to better health.  But one of the the easiest and  most beneficial changes you can make is to get rid of white bread and switch to really good bread - wholemeal bread, with all the goodness still in it.  People have told us that just that one change has noticeably improved their health.  Tastes a lot better too!    


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If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
Romans 10:9

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