American taxpayers fund $16,000 Middle East trip of Imam behind the planned New York "Tower of Triumph."

State Dept. sponsors trip for imam connected to N.Y. mosque project



State Dept. sponsors trip for imam connected to N.Y. mosque project

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the man behind the Park51 Muslim community center and mosque proposed on a site near New York's Ground Zero, leaves this week for a three-nation Middle East tour on behalf of the State Department, during which he is expected to speak about the controversy surrounding his project.

Rauf will leave New York and travel to Bahrain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, a State Department official tells The Cable. The cost of the trip is $16,000.

The State Department has no knowledge or control of the specifics of what Rauf will talk about as he tours the region, but officials note that his agenda could not be more directly related to the backlash against his project, still slated to be built in Lower Manhattan.

"His program is about religious diversity and tolerance in America. Will he relate that to his personal situation? Probably," another State Department official said.

ALAN adds: The usual 'tolerance" tosh comes from the bleating official quoted above. Tolerance, in the case of Islam, is a one-way street. Incidentally, the "religion of peace" stoned a young couple to death in Afghanistan this week for the crime of falling in love.

It's time for westerners to wake up, stop going along with this politically correct rubbish and recognise the truth about this "religion" of war and dominance. There's a lot about it in our book, Cults and Isms: True or False? available from this website via our webshop.



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But when Peter was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed. (Paul’s comment in his letter to the Galatians shows that Peter was not the ‘first pope’ – nor was anyone else.)
Galatians 2:11

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