Update to: Thanks to those who prayed - Alan is on the mend! by Pat Franklin

ALAN writes: How frail life is - and how temporary.  Having been in hospital for a week, I reflected on this Davidic Psalm, 39: 4,5: Lord, make me know my end, And what is the extent of my days, Let me know how transient I am. Behold, Thou hast made my days as handbreadths, and my lifetime as nothing in Thy sight, Surely every man at his best is a mere breath." That's one to read if you ever start thinking you are important. 

Fortunately that's not a delusion I suffer from. However, in one way we ARE important. We can influence those we are in contact with; tell them about the Lord Jesus Christ. In hospital after my operation, with no internet, I was in touch with a lot of non-believers. Normally, we spend most of our time with the saved. So this gave some opportunitities, as everyone asks: "What do you do." So I took a deep breath and told them.

People ARE interested in Bible prophecy, the great untold story of our times.  The great secret of the church which, by and large, should be ashamed of itself. Hello world- excuse me, The Lord Jesus Christ is about to return. Come and hear all about it! Think that would get their attention?

So lots of our books have been passed out and eagerly received. (If you want to buy a batch and distribute them round friends and family, now is the time. We sell cheaply in bulk. Remember, time is short!) This led to some interesting conversations.

Most people have a vague idea that they are somehow "Christian" as they once darkened the door of a church building, their parents were "Christian" or, perhaps, they were baptised. Oh dear. The concept of how to become a Christian or even what a Christian is has long been lost on most people in Britain.

So yes, our time is short and we should use it well. There are a lot of "good" people out there going to Hell, unless we tell them of their peril. That's why we persevere with our website and my talks and why I am glad that prayers were answered and I will be back in the pulpit at our home church, Tongham Christian Fellowship in Polye Road, Tongham, Surrey, on Sunday July 24. To be precise, I will be sitting down alongside the pulpit! But the Word will be preached. Now back to Pat's original article.....

 We would like to thank everyone who prayed for Alan's op, which  was successful.  He had the 'Birmingham Procedure' of hip joint resurfacing - not a full hip replacement - and so far, so good.

The op was at about 2pm yesterday (July 4), and when I visited at 5:30, he was sitting up in bed laughing and joking and drinking a cup of tea.  Today, July 5, they got him up and he was able to walk a few steps.  He should be able to come home by Saturday if all goes well.

He will be on crutches for six weeks, and is not allowed to fly for three months. 

We are seeing  British health care at its best, and it is indeed superb. 

Most of all, we thank the Lord Jesus.   As Alan said to me:  'I know He has the keys of death and of hell, and if my time was up, it would be His decision.  But I did say to Him privately that I did not want to go just yet!'

People in the USA, Britain and Israel were remembering him in prayer.  I am not talking about vast numbers of people, just a few here and there who happened to know about his operation and who made it their business to take it to the Father in prayer.  For example, our daughter in Israel rang on the day of the op and said:  "Someone in Texas called us this morning and said:  'How's your Dad?  He's been on our minds lately.' "  She was able to say that the op was that afternoon, and they said they would pray.   It is an awesome thing to be part of God's great  family.  We don't deserve to be in His family, and we will be eternally grateful that through the miracle of grace, He has blended us in.*

 So now, apart from getting back on his feet again, Alan's only problem is that the hospital has no internet facility - no cable, no wi-fi -  so he is suffering  withdrawal symtoms from acute lack of emails! 

* Footnote:  'God's great family'.  For readers who may be thinking, 'What in the world is she talking about?' please let me explain.  God's family consists of all those who have put their faith in His Son, the Lord Jesus.  If you reject His Son, you reject Him, the Father, and you keep yourself out of His family.  When you put your faith in Jesus, trusting in Him alone for your salvation, you automatically belong to Him, you are accepted by His Father, who then becomes YOUR Father.  And the believers throughout the world become your brothers and sisters. 

So what do you have to believe?  That the Lord Jesus died for your sins on the cross of Calvary, was buried and rose from the dead on the third day.  Here is a prayer you could say:  'Dear God, if you really exist and really do have a great family, I don't want to miss out. Please help me to accept your Son Jesus, so I can know You.'

Jesus said:  'I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.' Gospel of John, Chapter 14.  If you read the gospel of John, you may well find that faith springs up in your heart.  If so, WELCOME to the great family of God!


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But when Peter was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed. (Paul’s comment in his letter to the Galatians shows that Peter was not the ‘first pope’ – nor was anyone else.)
Galatians 2:11

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