Six DVDS by Alan are available – from “The World on Red Alert” to “Cults and Isms: True or False?” Plus new, lower prices on our books.

The World on Red Alert! - Alan looks at the astounding prophetic events currently being fulfilled.

They often claim to be

A watchman's warning and call to discernment.

Six DVD recordings by Alan are now available, at £4 ($7) per talk, plus £1 ($3) per disc postage and packing. The DVD titles cover everything from the world seen through the lens of prophecy to a talk on why God sometimes says ”no” to our prayer requests. Jerusalem, Future Capital of The World; my latest talk on the cults, Israel in The Eye of The Storm and other Bible-based talks are now available. We are also cutting our book prices to £6 ($10 for the Goodbye America book only in the USA), plus postage. Time may well be short and we want to get this information out as fast as possible! Because PayPal only gives me details of the first two items of any order, buyers should please send me direct a full list of what they order - to This saves time and ensures we mail out what you have ordered.

 We are also able to take payment in checks/cheques in Dollars and Pounds. E-mail for details of our postal address.

1) The World on Red Alert. Recorded in 2011 at the South West Radio Ministries’ prophecy conference inBristol,Virginia. Looking at current events in the light of prophecy. As the world rolls toward its final crisis, Alan sets the scene for the crash of cash, wars and rumors of wars, the coming one-world government, the mark of the beast and much else.

 2) Cults and ISMS, True or False? The latest version of this talk, also recorded at the prophecy conference. Majoring on Islam and Catholicism. Alan explains why we do not “All pray to the same god.” This DVD is an ideal companion to the book of the same name by journalists Alan and Pat Franklin. Many Christians are prey to cults and isms, which often masquerade as Christian: the reality is that they are the end times deceptions the Bible warns us about. Information that every church and every believer should know.

 3) Contending Earnestly For The Faith. In a world falling apart, how should believers react? A major problem is that the church has become biblically illiterate: the world has invaded the church rather than the church taking the Lord’s message to the world. It’s about how believers should react to a world falling apart – a watchman’s warning to the church. Not “seeker friendly” but scripturally sound!

 4) When God says “no.”  Is God really listening when you pray? Have you ever prayed for something earnestly, then sat back and waited for God’s answer? You waited…and waited…and waited. Until one day you wondered: why hasn’t God answered my prayers? Alan looks at answers to prayer, what seem like non-answers and gives Biblical examples of people who didn’t always get what they wanted.

 5) Jerusalem, Future Capital of The World. The history of King David’s city over 3,000 years, illustrated with Powerpoint slides and looking ahead to the time when our Lord will return to rule the world from Jerusalem.

 6) Israel in the eye of the storm. The world’s focus is on The Middle East. At the heart of the trouble, in the eye of the storm, is the tiny country ofIsrael – the grit in the eye of the world. What happens next? Which wars come first and what is their outcome? Alan uses Bible prophecy to show the exact course of coming world events. This is history written in advance, for only God knows the end from the beginning!

 Our books Goodbye America, Goodbye Britain and Cults and Isms: True or False? are co-written by Alan and Pat Franklin and jam packed with information vital to every Christian in these last days.

There is far more detailed in formation in the books that can be packed into a DVD presentation and they are now available in Britain at the new price of just £6 a copy ($10 in America for the Goodbye America book only) plus post and packing of £2 in Britain, $4 in America for the Goodbye America book only.

 As we feel that the hands of the world’s prophetic clock are at a few seconds to midnight, we want to get these books asnd DVDs out as fast and far and wide as possible. Contact us for details of bulk prices for churches around the world. Also, contact if you would like him to come and speak to your church, in America or Britain. Alan charges no fees and accepts love offerings towards expenses only.

 We have almost run out of American supplies of the book on cults and isms. Postage from Britain costs around $7 a copy, so the US price for this book is now reduced to $17 including postage.


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'But when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words.' (People who say the rosary repeat the 'Hail Mary' prayer 53 times and the 'Our Father' six times.)
Matthew 6:7

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