Do Catholics teach that Mary was conceived without sin? They certainly do! Pat responds to a reader’s query.

Here Pat, "a cradle Catholic" taught by priests and nuns for 12 years, answers a reader's query about Mary and her alleged sinless conception. This is one of numerous errors taught by this false church, some of which you can see by downloading from this site's Tables of Truth - and there is much more in our books.

 Question: In your table showing the difference between Catholic teaching and the Bible, you state under Catholic teaching that “Mary was conceived without sin”.  

 The Catholic cult certainly teaches the false doctrine of the immaculate conception but they do not say that Mary herself was conceived without sin!

 Answer: I was sent to Catholic schools, taught by nuns and priests, for 12 years.  We were in no doubt about Catholic teaching on Mary.  The doctrine of the Immaculate Conception is that Mary, the 'Mother of God,' was conceived without sin.  One hymn sung manytimesin the Catholic Church we attended inSt. Louiswent as follows:

O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us, pray for us;

'O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.'

The feast date of the Immaculate Conception was Dec 8th, and it was a 'holy day of obligation,' when all Catholics had to attend mass in honor of the 'Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary.' 

 Anyone converting to Catholicism, like my father, had to sign a statement saying they believed in various doctrines, including the Immaculate Conception of Mary.

Once I tackled my Catholic mother on the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, telling her that Mary herself said she needed a Savior (Luke 1:47).  My mother said:  'No, you have it wrong.  Jesus, not Mary, was the one born without sin; that is what I believe.'  I said:  'You are right; Jesus WAS the one born without sin, but that is NOT what your Catholic Church teaches.'  I never could get through to her.

 In other words, my mother believed the right thing, but she did not even know what the Roman Catholic Church taught.  Many other Catholics are probably confused as well.  That is why we put the Table of Truth on the website, hoping to inform as many as possible of the errors of the Roman church, and that many would check into these important issues and start reading the Bible.   

Hope this clarifies things,

Best regards,

Pat Franklin

  •  Alan adds: To clear up any confusion about the Catholics and other cults and isms, get our book: Cults and Isms: True or False? It dispels the fog of confusion surrounding many Christians, whose churches never teach on these matters. If anyone wants sound doctrine on why we don’t “all pray to the same god,” I - Alan – will be pleased to take some teaching sessions, with Powerpoint illustrations, in your church, in America or Great Britain.

  • I am in the USA this Fall, speaking at the East Coast Prophecy Conference in Gettysburg in October, for South West Radio Ministries. I am also available for talks on the Bible in the News, the Middle East in Bible Prophecy, The World on Red Alert - and much more. Contact me at








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1 Corinthians 15:51

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