Israel is the ONLY country in the Middle East where Christians are safe and their numbers increasing. Elsewhere they face everything from abuse to death. Now a Greek Orthodox priest has told the United Nations this fact. This story is from Jerusalem Connection:
Clearly, our website would disagree profoundly with this man’s theology, not least that he is called “Father” when the Bible states: ‘Call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.’ Matthew 23:9 However, regarding Israel, he told the truth – a rare and wonderful thing among many mainline denominations, which mainly embrace the Satanic doctrine of Replacement Theology, meaning that the church has replaced Israel.
For much more on the false faith of the Orthodox, Catholics and many cults and isms, get a copy of our book, Cults and Isms; True or False? available from our web shop on this site. Now here's the story:
A Greek Orthodox priest from Israel, Father Gabriel Naddaf, defended Israel before the UN Human Rights Council on Tuesday. He said: “In the Middle East today, there is one country where Christianity is not only not persecuted, but affectionately granted freedom of expression, freedom of worship and security.
“It is Israel, the Jewish state. Israel is the only place where Christians in the Middle East are safe......It is time the world woke up to the fact that those who want to destroy the Jewish state are signing the death warrant on the last free Christians in the Holy Land…Leaders of people, seekers of peace, end your witch hunt of the only free country in the region.”
God says: “I came into the world to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of the truth listens to me…When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth…Then you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” (John 19:37b; 16:13; 8:32)
The Jerusalem Connection says: The Times of Israel noted: “Father Naddaf has become a controversial figure in Israel since joining the Forum for Drafting the Christian Community in October 2012 and for openly calling on Israeli Christians to serve in the IDF. His activities have drawn criticism from Arab MKs as well as threats against his family."
Father Naddaf is an anomaly, not only among Greek Orthodox priests, but among most Middle Eastern clergymen. He has obviously taken at face value the covenant promises of God to Abraham and his descendants for a homeland for the Jewish people – and he sees them as valid for today.
The so-called progressive Evangelicals who are increasingly enamored with the plight of the Palestinians would do well to look to Father Naddaf and his rationale for supporting Israel.
ALAN adds: If any church of whatever denomination wants to hear a Middle East prophecy update I give Powerpoint presentations on this and many other subjects when invited to. Meanwhile, this Sunday I am preaching on this topic at our home church, Tongham Christian Fellowship in Poyle Road, Tongham, Surrey, near Aldershot, Hants.