The true face of Islam, by Pat Franklin

The world is at last seeing the true face of Islam.  And still our leaders pretend that it is a ‘peaceful religion.’  Yes, most muslims are not bloodthirsty monsters, but it is their religion itself that is at the bottom of the recent atrocities.  Islam itself, the Koran itself, supports what the monsters are doing, despite what the imams say.  Mohammed and the Koran command that infidels (Jews and Christians) be fought and destroyed.  They are obeying the dictates of Islam.

Yes, you can find early commands in the Koran to be kind to the ‘people of the Book’ – us.  But they have a doctrine saying that when there is a contradiction in the Koran, the later takes precedence over the earlier.  The kindness is earlier.  The command to kill us is later, and it takes precedence. 

The ISIL monsters are only doing what Mohammed and his followers did and approved.   They are deluded, brainwashed people filled with hatred, but they are that way because of Mohammed’s teachings in the Koran. 

Islam is a satanic religion of hate.  The word ‘Islam’ itself means submission.  The whole world must submit.  Those who do not submit must pay a tax and give up all human rights – and if they will not submit to that, they must  be killed in the name of Allah.

The imams can deny that all they like, but it is true.  That is how Islam was set up and that is how it has always carried on.  We in the West have tolerated Islam only because we need the oil. 

The West is so surprised to see that they actually behead people, but this has never stopped.  There are public beheadings in Islamic countries  and chopping off of hands  before crowds in sports stadiums, and this has been going on for years, ignored by our media.  One reporter decades ago saw a pile of human feet outside the door of an Islamic court.  That did not go on TV. 

We ourselves saw a young girl in Morocco, possibly about 14 or 15, crying and holding out her arms to us.  Her hands had both been chopped off at the wrist.  When we tell people about this, some say, “She must have been stealing.”  Well what does the Bible say?  If you were a thief, steal no more, but work with your hands.   Work with your hands!  That girl never could! 

The God of the Bible is merciful.   There is forgiveness in the Bible.  Sins are forgiven and people get another chance.  The Lord Jesus Christ took our punishment, that we can be forgiven and not only forgiven, but become new creations, new people with new hearts of love instead of selfishness.

A muslim girl in Israel looked me (Pat) in the eye and said:  ‘There is no mercy in Islam.’  She herself was under threat of being killed by her own family because she had a child out of wedlock.  She was in hiding, along with her beautiful baby girl.  No mercy.  That is Islam, folks. 

Should we be afraid ?  Here is what the Lord Jesus Christ said in Luke 12:4,5.  ''And I say to you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do.  But I will show you whom you should fear:  Fear Him who, after He has killed, has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, fear Him!"

Fear the God of the Bible, who is so merciful and kind?  Yes, fear Him.  But how can we get right with Him?  The Lord Jesus tells us in John chapter 14 that there is only one way - He himself is the way, the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through Him.  No one gets to Heaven unless they put their faith and trust in Him.  I did that in 1981 and my life has never been the same.  Since then I have had many, many proofs that the Bible is true from beginning to end; that salvation is real. 

If you are reading this, you too must choose.  Read the gospels for yourself and come to a conclusion. The Lord  Jesus is real and He really died for my sins and yours, and He really rose from the dead (attested to by the apostles who were eyewitnesses of the resurrected Lord Jesus and died martyrs'  deaths rather than deny the truth).  He really is seated now in Heaven, making intercession with the Father - for you and me!   And He really is coming back to the earth to set up His kingdom, of which you could be a part. 

This may be your day of salvation, dear reader.  Won't you consider the claims of Christ today?  Or just drag on with a life that has little purpose and ends in death...and then you must face the Lord Jesus in person, having rejected Him...    Is that what you want?   All judgement has been committed to Jesus.  You will face Him as a believer who loves and cherishes Him, or as one who has rejected Him.

A good prayer:  Dear God, the times are so scary.   I want to believe in Your Son.  Please help me understand.  I am a sinner.  I have done, said, thought, bad things.  I need to be forgiven!  Lord Jesus, You died for sinners, and I am surely one.   I believe that You died on the cross, were buried, and You rose from the dead.  Please forgive my sins (tell Him what they are; don't hold back; He already knows them, every one).  Please make me one of Your people. 

As for Islam, please look at our Table of Truth (home page, top left)  on Islam versus the Bible. Alan adds: Our book, Cults and Isms: True or False? is packed with information on Islam, Catholicism and many other false and evil cults and false faiths. It is available from our web shop on this site or at any venue at which I am invited to speak. Churches in America, Canada or the United Kingdom can invite me any time they want to let their folk have access to some well researched information on why we:"Do NOT worship the same god!" I am planning a North American tour in the summer/fall of 2016 so now is the time to book.



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'Behold, I, even I am bringing the flood of water upon the earth, to destroy all flesh in which is the breath of life from under heaven; everything that is on the earth shall perish. But I will establish My covenant with you; and you shall enter the ark...'
Genesis 6:17

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