Vera - we'll meet again! I know where, but not when! by Pat Franklin

Vera Crofts, one of God's handmaids

 “See you later!”  These words were spoken by the lady next to me as we filed past a coffin containing the body of Vera Crofts.  Vera was not really in that coffin.  The lady next to me knew exactly where Vera was, and she also knew  that there would be a reunion.

It reminded me of the old Vera Lynn wartime song:  'We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when.'  But with our Vera, we know very well where we will meet again!  In heaven, of course.

 Who was Vera Crofts?  I doubt that any of our readers ever heard of her, but she is one of the great ladies of God, and her name is known in heaven!

 How do I know this?  Because Vera was faithful to Jesus, and she loved Jesus.  She came to faith in Jesus at the age of 11.  She died at age 93, so she had 82 years in which to serve the Saviour, and serve Him she did.

 A small, bright-eyed  widow, Vera reminded me of a chirpy little bird.  She made me smile.  She was a member of a Brethren church near us in England, and our paths occasionally crossed at Christian gatherings.  

 I only knew Vera at the tail end of her life, and you would think there was little she could do then, but you would be wrong.  Every Sunday after a morning at church, she would serve a wonderfully tasty roast meal for her guests, and there were guests for lunch every Sunday at her table.

 I happen to know that two of her regulars were single men from different churches.  What a blessing Vera was to them and to others!  In her 90s, no less!  What a reception party must have welcomed her as she entered the realms of splendour and bowed at the nail-scarred feet of the Lord of Glory!    

At Vera’s  funeral service there was an air of comfort and quiet joy.  The chapel was full and most of those present were also servants of the great Savior of the world, the Lord Jesus.  We all knew where Vera was – not in that box where her body lay, but far above all the troubles of the world, meeting the Lord Jesus face to face. 

I first met Vera at the monthly prophecy evenings at her church, when we often sang: 

Face to face with Christ my Saviour, face to face what will it be

When with rapture I behold Him, Jesus Christ who died for me?

Face to face shall I behold Him, far beyond the starry sky

Face to face in all His glory, I shall see Him by and by!

Vera is living this hymn now, seeing the Lord in all His glory.  As we all will, if we know Him down here. 

 So…. “See you later, Vera!”  And we will!




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If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
Romans 10:9

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