The astonishing last words of a man with a day to live: Tony looked to the future with hope! Here is his remarkable summary of the times we live in. The world should read this!

Here's a snippet of Tony's last written words:“And so my time to depart draws near, as the doctors have informed me that the cancers invading my body are inoperable and incurable, unless my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ decides otherwise! Looking back over my life, I cringe with embarrassment."

So how could this remarkable man be so at peace as he waited for death in a hospice? Because he knew where he was going, unlike most people who sadly die in a state of fear and worry. Read on and find out the reason he was neither scared nor uncertain of what came next.......(AF)

"A few years have elapsed since I last looked at this narrative of mine. It is now March 2016, and the world has changed, for the worse. (Tony Mclellan of Swindon died on March 3)

“Like frogs in a basin of water, the heat has been quietly and artfully increased, much to the frog’s incomprehension, and the point of no return, where we can leap from the basin, has been passed.

“Good now passes as evil and evil as good. What would put a man or woman in prison not so long ago, is now lauded by populaces in general.

“The slaughter of the unborn continues unabated, and increases.

“New religions abound, the most popular being ‘climate change.’

“To criticise this new religion leaves one open to ridicule, while a cursory examination of it will expose its weaknesses, and the bed of sand it is grounded upon.

“Corruption manifests itself in politics, mainstream Christianity, the judiciary, the banking sector, big businesses etc, but I can hear you think; hasn’t it always been like this?

“The answer, dear reader, is ‘NO’!

“This time all these things line up with Bible Prophecy, especially in the Book of Revelation.

“Israel has miraculously returned to her land.

“A cashless society waits in the wings, and is warmly endorsed by most politicians.

“A New World Order, with a new world leader, is expected very soon.

“Knowledge and travel have increased exponentially.

“Men’s hearts fail them for fear, as they wonder what is coming upon the world and as they view and consider the threats of murderous fanatical groups of religious extremists.

“False prophets and teachers abound, twisting and denying God’s Word, the Bible.

“For the first time, the enemies of the new nation of Israel since its inception in 1948,
surround her, and Psalm 83 describes them in detail, and what they soon intend to do to her with their vicious anti-semitic attitude and arrogance!

“Homosexual activity and marriage is now regarded as normal and to be against it invites prosecution. The theory of evolution is taught as fact in our schools and universities, brainwashing generations of students into a godless society, and laughing to scorn  those who object.

“I firmly believe that there will never be peace on earth, not while we (humans) are in charge.

“The Bible clearly states that Jesus will return to rule this earth from Jerusalem. The world derides such statements and attacks on the Bible continue unabated.

“Sadly, such attacks are not wholly from the secular humanists, but are from within the Christian Church itself.

“One can read this prophecy in Revelation chapter three, concerning the church of Laodicea, and also in the writings of the Apostle Paul - “professing to be wise, they become fools.” (Romans chapter 1, verse 22)

“And so my time to depart draws near, as the doctors have informed me that the cancers invading my body are inoperable and incurable, unless my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ decides otherwise!

“Looking back over my life, I cringe with embarrassment.

“All that ducking and diving, all those misdeeds. In between all the good bits, there were loads of bad bits. Enough to fill the largest of buckets!

“But I thank God that He has seen fit to forgive me, because of the shed blood of Jesus. It sounds too easy, doesn’t it?

“However, IT IS!

“It says so in the Bible!

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me,” Yeshua said in John chapter 14 and verse 6.

“Amen and Thank You Lord!”

(This is the end of Tony’s article.)

 And thank you Tony, for the warmth, friendship and humour you injected into every meeting. Your reward in Heaven will be great.

Tony organized the Swindon branch of The Prophetic Witness Movement International, under whose auspices I am privileged to speak. One of the privileges is to meet great servants of the Lord like Tony. His life story is remarkable, but a taste of what he was like came in this e-mail to me last summer (2015), as I was preparing to talk at his meeting in Swindon:

 “Your proposed Middle East Topic fine; just throw in a few hand grenades!

 “I hope that your daughter has recovered by now.

 “As for me, they discovered cancer in my gut which has spread north and west and I must commence chemo. asap. Other than that I'm fine!

 “My life is in His hands and He has infused me with a peace that passes all understanding,

 “Brotherly love to you Alan and we will be in touch before August 6th.


 Thank you Tony. We’ll meet again….(AF)

Tony's funeral is on Thursday, March 17, at 12.30 pm at : The Storehouse Christian fellowship, Swindon Road, Stratton St Margaret, Swindon, SN3 4PT.

 Tony’s friend Neville Stephens from South Wales has many memories of the man he called “Big Mac.” Some will be among the tales in a booklet  which Tony wrote and which Neville and a friend have published. Titled "A Big Old Softie From Naas," it will be distributed at his Christian send off which, says Neville:  "Will be a joyous but emotional time for us all. Goodnight Tony, See You In The Morning."

 Neville said in a blog: "I have known Tony for about six years, but I thank the Lord for the privilege of knowing this fine man of God.

“He described himself as ‘a big old softie from Naas,’ for it was in this tiny Irish village that Big Mac was born on June 2, 1940. He passed to be with Jesus on March 3, 2016, making him a fabulous 76!

“Tony used to joke when people enquired after him that it was “all in the book.” This mysterious tome never seemed to see the light of day but after much persuasion he agreed that it would be put into a 52 page life story.

“Tony wanted it passed out to friends and family at his funeral….sadly, his wish has come true and the last couple of pages were completed a few days ago (part printed above.)

“Those unable to attend what will be an emotional time, but also a fabulous Christian send-off,  will be able to get copies on request.”

  • Neville and Tony became friends when Neville, secretary of Newport Prophetic Witness Movement International branch, joined with friends to inspire Tony to start the Swindon branch, now a success in an area which had previously been hard going for prophecy meetings.






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Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him and will sup with him, and he with me. (Go on - you can open the door of your heart to Jesus right now!)
Revelation 3:20

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