Hey out there - any Christians left in this Lutheran church? by Pat Franklin

Are there any Christians left in this Lutheran denomination in America?  I very much doubt it after learning that  the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)  met in New Orleans for their assembly and approved a proposal aimed against Israel.

The proposal urged “…this church’s members, congregations, synods, agencies and presiding bishops to call on their U.S. Representatives, Senators and the Administration to take action requiring that to continue receiving U.S. financial and military aid, Israel must comply with internationally recognized human rights standards as specified in existing U.S. law, stop settlement building and the expansion of existing settlements in East Jerusalem  and the West Bank, end its occupation of Palestinian territory, and enable an independent Palestinian state.” .

No mention of Genesis chapter 15, telling us that God made an everlasting covenant, giving a lage territory to the descendants of Abraham. 

The Land Covenant, a wonderful gift of real estate, included every inch of land from the river of Egypt to the Euphrates River.  Israel today has only a small portion of the land God gave them.

Somebody needs to give the Lutherans a Bible so they can look this up!  They need to get with God's program.

Otherwise we must conclude that the evangelical Lutheran church is very dear to Satan’s heart, if he has a heart. 

Dear friends, don’t forget that Jesus was born a Jew.  He Himself esta.blished the Jewish nation by choosing one man, Abraham, in about 2000 B. C. and creating a lineage from which the Messiah, the Savior of the world, would come.  In fact our beloved Jesus is coming back – to Israel.  Not Palestine. (There is no such nation - A.F.)

And once He gets there, He will establish His reign of planet earth from His capital – Jerusalem. 

Jesus Christ will rule the world from  Israel.

Wake up, Lutherans! 

But for real Christians, here is the best bit - Galatians 3:26 and 29.  If you belong to Jesus Christ, "you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise."  This is above mega. 

God gave Abraham so much, and through faith in Jesus, you too become an heir.  This is stupendous.  I just love Abraham, and to think that through Jesus somehow believers are included in his great family...is jaw droppingly wonderful.  I hope with all my heart that the Lutherans and other liberal churches will reconsider and not miss out on what our Savior wants to give them. 

Source for this depressing news item:  the Hal Lindsay program on The Word Network.  You will learn more in half an hour by watching Hal's program than 12 hours of watching any main news channel.

* The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is a main Protestant denomination in America with nearly four million members, with 9,320 churches.

  A Pew research survey estimated that 2.1 percent of Americans identify with it.  It is run by a woman bishop, even though the Bible makes it clear that leadership should be male. 

They are in "full communion" with the episcopal church and other liberal churches. 

Fortunately I know that the Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon and will sort all this mess out - from His Jerusalem  throne, with His Jewish friend King David by his side.  

Whew!  So glad I will not have to apologize to them for being Lutheran, since I am not and if I was, would immediately resign my membership and find an independent fellowship which loves the Bible and tries to do things Jesus' way  (like the one we attend in England). 

 Incidentally, there will be no place called "Palestine" in the Millennial Kingdom.  

So, dear reader, surely you too would like to be an heir!  The Bible makes it clear that we are all sinners and need forgiveness.

This certainly applies to me, and in 1981 I started reading the New Testament and realized I was a sinner who deserved only to go to Hell.  I also realized that Jesus is God and is so totally wonderful that nothing  and no one in the universe could compare with Him.   I got on my knees and begged God to forgive my sins and make me one of His people. 

Later I learned that this was a classic "Sinner's Prayer".  Dear reader, if you do not know Jesus as your Savior, you too need to read the New Testament and find out who Jesus really is, and that He is more than willing to forgive you too and to welcome you into his great family.  He said He will never turn anyone away.

Look it up for yourself - gospel of John chapter 6 verse 37.  No sin is too big for Jesus to forgive.  No sinner is going to be turned away from the throne of grace.  Jesus' blood was shed for the sins of all the world.    But to obtain Jesus' forgiveness, you have to ask for it!  You have to admit that you too are a sinner.

It is not hard to do.  Won't you open your heart to Him today?


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Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.
John 6:47

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