Battle in Israel for Bible truth - see our son-in-law's banned video!

Michael's film shines the light on  a group called Tikkun Apostles and on Dominion Theology. 

Dominion Theology is an integral part of NAR - the New Apostolic Reformation.

This video shows one of its aspects and reveals how Tikkun Ministries, currently headed by "Apostle" Asher Intrater, is teaching this doctrine to its followers.

Few in the West have heard of NAR, the New Apostolic Reformation, but it is being spread in Israel, with the teaching that the 'new apostles' are here now with all the authority of the original twelve! 

And guess what, they have one super dooper apostle everyone has to acknowledge!  I want to put 'duh...' because what Christian would ever fall for this?  But some do!!!

So please watch Michael's film.  He has been battling the NAR for some time now. Here's the link:



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'Little children, guard yourselves from idols.' (Idol - anything or anyone, dead or alive, that you kneel down to, pray to, or give the reverence which belongs to God alone.)
1 John 5:21

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