Mass news media tends to repeat propaganda and avoid unwelcome truths. For example, in some of many talks by Bill Gates that I have watched, he speaks of the need for a world vaccination certificate and also how vaccinations could help reduce the world population....
Gates also said that the world would not get back to normal (fat chance!) until everyone on the planet has been vaccinated. No mention of the rights we have over our own bodies and the refusal of many of us not to allow, experimental, not properly tested vaccines to be foisted on people who are never told of the vast numbers of people suffering severe adverse reactions- including deaths. Yes, from DNA changing Covid so-called VACCINES!
The real story is eye opening – these are official US Govt figures on American deaths, injuries, miscarriages and more caused by these lethal so-called “jabs”-
VAERS COVID Vaccine Data
(Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System)
491,217 Reports
Through July 16, 2021
Life Threatening
Severe Allergic Reaction
* VAERS HHS releases COVID Data weekly, but they release LAST WEEK'S data. So an update will always lag a week behind.
Highlighted Myocarditis Reports
All ages under 20
AGE: 18
This is a 18 y.o. male who is generally healthy. He received a second dose of the SARS2-COV vaccine on 3/4. The following morning he felt feverish and achy with malaise. He stayed home, drank fluids and rested and felt well enough to come up to ski this weekend. During skiing he had some anterior chest pain, it resolved and he went about his day. Tonight at 2245 the pain became sharp and awakened him from sleep. He felt nauseated and clammy as well. Father brought him to the ER for evaluation. His emergency department evaluation showed ST elevations most notably in the inferior and lateral leads as well as in the lateral precordium.
AGE: 19
At 2-8-21 at approximately 1:00pm I recieved my 2nd shot. At 5:00am on 2-9-21, I woke up experiencing an extreme headache, nausea, body aches, and severe chest pain. I checked my heartrate with a PulseOximeter and found it to be elevated at 105-115. I called out of work and rested in bed for the day. On 2-10-21 most of my symptoms had subsided however the chest pain persisted through 2-11-21. On 2-11-21 at 2:00pm, I visited the Urgent Care. While there, the provider ran an ECG, Chest X-Ray, and bloodwork. Test results showed Troponin levels in my blood had reached critical levels of 7.72ng/ml. I was immediately transported to the ER at the Hospital, where upon arrival they did an EKG and bloodwork. I was then admitted and seen by a cardiologist, who ordered an CT Angiogram, more bloodwork, and an Echocardiogram. After I was admitted, my mother contact the nurses station to check on me and asked what was wrong. She was then told the hospital was treating me for an NSTEMI and Myocarditis. This resulted in a 3 day hospital stay where the results of the tests showed there was nothing wrong with my heart other than the increased Troponin levels. It should be noted that I have had ZERO previous cardiac issues, or any other significant health issues. I was discharged from the hospital with lower but still elevated Troponin levels, and told to follow up with my primary care doctor. I had no health issues and felt fine until I had my second dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. I have copies of my hospital records detailing all of this.
AGE: 19
Received Jansen COVID injection at approximately 11am 4/3/2021. Developed sore left arm, shoulder, and neck approximately 10 pm evening of 4/3/2021. Woke up 3:30am 4/4/2021 and informed parents he did not feel well-awake most of that night. Felt slightly better morning of 4/4/2021, but continued feeling feverish, pain in arms, shoulders, neck. Approximately 8pm Sunday night 4/4/21 he stated he felt it was hard to breath, chest pain, and his arms felt like they were on fire. Was taken to ER at Clinic. Blood pressure 149/98, temp 100.6 complain of feeling feverish and short of breath. EKG was taken which was abnormal and enzymes noted to be elevated. Transferred to main branch of Clinic approximately 4:30am 4/5/2021. Father states patient has inflammation around the heart. Had a cardiac catheterization today 4/6/2021-father states that was normal and patient was started on medication to reduce inflammation around his heart. Patients father states that patient was very drowsy from his catheterization and was fine with his father telling me the events as they occured. As I was speaking with patient father, patient was going down for a MRI of the heart. This information was conveyed to me by father and mother. Patient is a college student and was home for Easter break. Patient currently remains hospitalized in Clinic and father thought he would remain hospitalized until Thursday 4/8/2021 depending on test results and his response to treatment. Both parents state they are willing to be contacted for further information.
AGE: 19
Fever developed about 10 hours after the injection. Average temp throughout the night and first part of the next day was 104.7, also experienced severe headache, chills, and muscle aches and pains. Throughout the day after the injection 4-10-2021 these symptoms improved but did not completely resolve. Overnight from the 10th into the morning of the 11th I developed a cough and felt short of breath. The afternoon of the 11th my oxygen saturation began to drop upon light exertion (walking around inside my home). I checked in to the Emergency Dept. at around 7 p.m. on the 11th of April 2021. I had elevated D-dimer, and abnormal Troponin. I was admitted with a diagnosis of myocarditis.
AGE: 17
On 4/17/21 (ie within 48 hours of receiving COVID 19 Pfizer Shot #2 (4/15/21), my daughter began experiencing chest pain in the PM (PM of 4/17). It was initially mild so we did a watch and wait overnight but when it did not go away by morning of 4/18/21 we went to Urgent Care . Upon presentation at urgent care, she had an irregular EKG, we were advised to immediately do to a Hospital ER , upon arrival she presented with same EKG findings from urgent care, BW was run and her troponin level was a 7, this hospital recommended (after consultation with their cardiologist) that based on her age and urgency of the heart condition, we should be transported to a pediatric hospital with cardiology expertise. She was transported by ambulance to another Hospital, Cardiology Unit. . After a scary 24 hour overnight stay at the hospital she was released on 4/19/21.
AGE: 16
The patient developed severe chest pain on the 4th day after the vaccine, he presented to the local emergency room and had the abnormal tests as described below. His symptoms improved rapidly but due to active myocarditis was given recommendations for limited activity to reduce risk of fatal arrhythmia
View All VAERS COVID Vaccine Reports
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