The so-called vaccines - you know, the dangerous jabs which don't stop you getting or passing on Covid - are giving supposedly democratic governments the green light to turn into tyrannies with some police acting more like The Gestapo as their governments impose huge restrictions on most human life, all brought in by dictat on the excuse that this is "an emergency." Their actions have certainly turned it into one, writes Alan Franklin.
Even now, as the death toll from the DNA changing jabs mounts faster than their uselessness becomes apparent, the truth is being suppressed by what passes for the media- I call it The Lamestream Media, mostly specialising in truth suppression.
One organising fighting vaccine tyranny is CitizenGO. This is what they say:
These extreme measures taken by the government far exceed their rightful bounds. They have limited opportunities for those who are unvaccinated and have caused a vicious social divide across the world.
In places such as Boston, USA, citizens are restricted from almost every aspect of public life without showing proof of vaccination. This includes indoor dining, entertainment, museums and bars.
These overbearing mandates, and worse, are popping up across the world, even for children as young as two years old who are at virtually no risk from COVID.
Italian authorities equire its citizens to show a Coronavirus “Green Pass,” proving either vaccination, recovery in the past 6 months, or a negative COVID-19 test from the past 48 hours to enter their workspaces.
The Austrian Parliament recently approved the European Union’s strictest COVID-19 mandate, making the vaccine mandatory for all citizens over the age of 18. The unvaccinated will face harsh fines of up to 3,600 euros four times a year if they are not on the vaccine register by the assigned date.
Over the past several months, thousands of hospitals (under the pressure of Radical Leftist authoritarians) have announced COVID-19 vaccination requirements for staff and clinicians as a condition of employment. Healthcare workers are threatened with termination if the vaccine is refused.
Already, many have been terminated for refusal to comply with these mandates – leaving hospitals short-staffed – which the Radical Left then blames on the virus!
With these oppressive mandates only increasing in number and ferocity, I urge you to stand with CitizenGO as we fight to repeal and prevent these mandates in the UK, as well as in numerous other nations around the world, for as long as we have the support of members like you. Here is how to contact