Our Christian book exposing Cults and Isms that's too hot for some so-called Christian bookshops.

Discerning readers find our book exposing Cults and Isms invaluable, especially as we let the Bible – God’s Word - destroy the false faiths, including Catholicism and Islam. It is available from the web shop on this site.

 Pat came up with Tables of  Truth letting the Bible  clearly show what is wrong with the false religions sending hundreds of millions of people to Hell.

 Here is a comment just in from a reader: "Hi Alan and Pat, I just wanted to say I'm finding the book you sent me so interesting.

  "I have three on the go at the moment, Ivan Panin's 'Bible Chronology', Sir Robert Anderson's 'The Coming Prince', and not least, 'Cults and ISMS'; all of which are very important works. I was touched by Pat's story, chapter two, very encouraging.

I find it astonishing that people follow such obvious 'clap-trap' and immature fake cults etc, including the mass rollout of the VxxCine....!

It's far wiser to accept 'the water of life' than the clot shot...!

 The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take the water of life without cost. Rev 22:17

Be blessed in Jesus Name,


 I replied: "Of our three books the book exposing Cults and Isms is the least popular, as it is “judgemental”, I certainly hope so!

 My first book on the EU is sold out and we just have a few copies left of our jointly written Goodbye America, Goodbye Britain.

We give away a lot of the cults books but want to circulate them much more in these times of great deception more. We would like to get them into every church- we gave a copy to a Methodist church on the Isle of Wight this week.

 "We can get a box of 48 books to any church including transport for £150 if you know of any minister who would think this a good investment. Some so-called Christian bookshops boycott us as they like selling rubbish to Co of E and Catholic folk.

 "Thank you for your support, which is appreciated- in His name, Alan"




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Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.
John 6:47

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