Plans for UN backed worldwide perversion have been defeated .


The plot to promote the  worldwide sexualization of children, sexual orientation, gender identity rubbish  and the LGBT agenda, have been erased from the Agreed Conclusions of the 67th UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), which took place in New York. 

 CSW is a global gathering at the UN that facilitates the push of the radical feminist agenda, including on it the whole leftist delusional package: free abortion, sexual orientation and sexual identity (SOGI), and sexualization of children.

 One organisation that fought this filth was Together and these are some of their conclusions

 “Instead of discussing real issues affecting women worldwide, they always discuss misplaced ideological issues which supposedly ‘empower’ women. This year was no different.

 “Despite  adamant pressure from the United States, Australia, the European Union, and many of its ideological allies, the key coalitions formed amongst the African nations (Cameroon, Egypt, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Senegal, Sudan), Caribbean and Gulf countries, and not least, the emphatic statements delivered by the Holy See, all was enough to block the radical Comprehensive Sexuality Education and trans agenda into the agreement.

 Thousands of passionate citizens worldwide made their objections known which was crucial to prevent this radical push and attack on your children. 

The success in stopping Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) is all the more relevant because the theme of the CSW67 was about education and technology for women and girls.

Millions of taxpayer money, channelled through the UN agencies, has been prevented from being used globally to fund the sexualization of children through Comprehensive Sexuality Education.

  • Together delivered close to 200,000 signatures collected through their campaign across the world (many more joined in the last hours).
  • Together relentlessly campained all week inside and outside the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

And their work on the ground proved successful!

 Together received  positive support, particularly from the African delegations, including Cameroon, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Mali, Nigeria and Senegal.

 The African regional group on the negotiating table proved to be a critical stronghold in rejecting these extreme proposals, such as CSE and preserving fundamental family values in the Agreed Conclusions. They refused the continuous bullying and cultural imperialism that always goes on in these negotiating rooms and stood strong for family values. 

 Together staff also spoke at length and worked closely with the Polish and Hungarian delegations.They promised they would provide a dissenting voice against the radical agenda which was being pushed by their European counterparts and not ignore the pro-family voice at the time of voting. Despite their promises, it was disheartening to see how they didn’t push enough within the European block to break the ideological consensus.

 The negotiations ran until the early hours of Saturday morning, with our team in the building awaiting, eager and hopeful. Even hours before the end, the Western governments had a last try to include CSE, but thankfully they failed.The delegates finally adopted the agreement just before 4.00 am, angering the woke government delegations and feminist activists, who exited the building in utter frustration.

 Intending to dodge the censorship against them, Together  organized  UN  large vans to circulate the building during the time of negotiations, displaying the key message ‘Women are defined by biology, not ideology’.

 They also coordinated a huge series of wild posters across Manhattan to bring this message home and for all delegates to see.CitizenGO organized vans and wild posters across Manhattan for all the delegates to see

We must not forget that UN law, despite being non-binding, holds significance when it emerges into customary international law.Big-player woke governments and radical lobby groups attempt to use the UN system to create new rights and norms which would be normally more difficult to establish at national level and through national governments.

 We see every year at the Commission of the Status of Women, as well as at other UN Commissions, how our ideological enemies are working towards a radical woke global norm, which they want other countries to just shut up and accept.

 This time most of their perverse agenda and motivations did not prevail!

 But it’s not all good news, of course. Unfortunately, for example, the expressions "sexual and reproductive health services" and "multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination" (= code language for trangender ideology) remain in this CSW document, as do references to "hate-speech". This can be harmful as UN agencies could implement terms related to this language, including on abortion, "LGBT rights", and free speech.

There is still a lot of work which - with readers' help - Together needs to do at the UN.

We have seen what they are capable of achieving. But we also know that the feminist lobby and woke governments will not rest until they push this through.

We must continue our hard work to keep out and remove dangerous and ethically corrupt language from all UN documents. So far, we've managed to help keep out the worst of the language, thanks to your help, but we must now redouble our efforts.

This is why our push-back is imperative, and the cooperation between pro-family organizations like ours, and countries that respect pro-life and pro-family values, represents a bastion of hope. 

If we work together, we are capable of making our voices heard at the highest level, and we can change things for the better. 

Together, we’ve overcome the radicals at the UN this week. May this be a reason for encouragement for you and all of us, to never give up on defending what is right, as daunting as it may sometimes seem. 

Together let us continue to change the world; for life, family and freedom.Thank you once again because, without you, none of this would be possib

Sebastian Lukomski and the entire CitizenGO Team

P.S. Want to support Tigether's work? Together, we must work to end the early sexualization of children, codify unborn babies' right to live into law and defend our freedoms, our families, and our future. We can accomplish all this and more, but only if we work together. Click here to chip in £3, or whatever you can afford.

More information:

Crushing Feminist Defeat at UN UN Event Promotes Maternal Health, Pro-Life Consensus Agreed Conclusions Sexuality Education

The War On Children: The Comprehensive Sexuality Education Agenda


CitizenGO is a community of active citizens that works to ensure that human life, the family and our freedoms are respected worldwide. CitizenGO members live in every nation of the world. Our team is spread across 16 countries on 5 continents and operates in 12 languages. Learn about CitizenGO here or follow us on Facebook or Twitter

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Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. (This refers to the coming one world church.)
Revelation 18:4

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