Warning: Covid jabs can klill you or wreck your immune system - the evidence is overwhelming

Journal Article: Stop COVID Shots for These Women Now

Their analysis looked at conditions such as menstrual abnormality, miscarriage (spontaneous abortion), fetal death (stillbirth), premature delivery and premature baby death.

From “unprecedented” numbers of stillbirths to increased numbers of miscarriages to “stunning rises” in fetal deaths, the extraordinary number of adrse events is concerning enough to necessitate stopping the vaccination program on women of childbearing age immediately, until all the safety signals have been addressed, the physicians said.

While they acknowledge certain limitations to this study, they said “it is imperative that special attention is paid to monitoring for any and all safety signals.”


Yahoo! finance March 21, 2023

Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons Spring 2023

Taken from the Dr Mercola website:https://blogs.mercola.com/sites/vitalvotes/archive/2023/03/22/journal-article-stop-covid-shots-for-these-women-now.aspx



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'Know this first of all, that in the last days mockers will come ... saying, "Where is the promise of His coming?'
2 Peter 3:3

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