Here comes the crash of cash-The UK Government and Treasury are planning to launch a central bank digital currency (CBDC) in the near future.

The UK Government and Treasury are planning to launch a central bank digital currency (CBDC) in the near future.

A centrally-controlled digital currency would be revolutionary: it gives ‘elites’ the opportunity to decide how, when and where we spend our money. In the new world social credit system rapidly being constructed, your money could be ‘switched off’ for any reason, be capped, and even have expiry dates on when you can spend it.

Although the proposals for a CBDC such as ‘Britcoin’ include nominal commitments to ensure the use of cash - which is categorically harder to control than app-based financial activity - the execution of CBDC plans would already grant ‘officials’ power to effectively switch off your money for any reason. Forget empty assurances to the contrary from politicians and central bankers: time and again they have proved they cannot be trusted.

Have you shared governmentally-unapproved views on social media? Have you been to pro-life or pro-family events critical of the ‘correct’ narrative? Have you dared to criticize the pharmaceutical industry? If so, you may be facing a ban on accessing your money once a CBDC is introduced, when the conditions are ‘right’.

If power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, why would you want all your money digitally controlled by government officials? If you have earned your money fairly, why should you have to appease a central digital bureaucracy in order to access or spend it?

Imagine your salary going directly to the Treasury, which they transfer to you if you’ve been a good little citizen. That’s a CBDC.

Sign this petition to the Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt demanding a stop to plans for a Communist-style digital currency.

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I just signed the petition "Stop Communist Central Digital Currency" on CitizenGO.

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Dear reader

If you’ve had enough of countless petitions on ‘transitioning’, I don’t blame you. Thinking about the madness can breed madness.

So this one is about another kind of ‘transition’. Plans - that ominous word again - are being drawn up to implement a centrally-controlled digital currency to eventually replace cash in the UK, probably in tribute to Lenin.

Soon cash will be gone and with it, the remnants of an economy that is comparatively unregulated, unsurveilled and unsupervised by central banks and governments.

Once that happens, all financial activity will be subject to government review and approval.

If that doesn’t appeal to you, sign this petition letting the Chancellor of the Exchequer know.

The timeless battle between freedom and ‘convenience’ continues…

Until later,

John Candia and the CitizenGO team

P.S. Here are several ways to share the petition.

Please see the previous email below:


The UK Government and Treasury are planning to launch a central bank digital currency (CBDC) in the near future.

In the new world social credit system being constructed, your money could be ‘switched off’ for any reason, be capped, and even have expiry dates on when you can spend it.

Sign this petition to the Chancellor of the Exchequer demanding a stop to plans for a Communist central digital currency.


Dear reader

Are you a ‘conspiracy theorist’? Have you shared pro-life or pro-family views on social media? Have you dared to criticize the pharmaceutical industry? 

If so, you are facing a ban on accessing your money once the UK Government implements a central bank digital currency (CBDC) under new plans drawn up with the Bank of England.

A centrally-controlled digital currency is revolutionary: it gives ‘elites’ the opportunity to decide when, how and where we spend our money. In the new world social credit system being constructed, your money could be ‘switched off’ for any reason, be capped and even have expiry dates on when you can spend it. Lenin would be proud.

Imagine your salary going directly to the Treasury, which they transfer to you if you’ve been a good little citizen. That’s a CBDC.

Sign this petition to the Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt demanding a stop to plans for a Communist central digital currency.

A CBDC is categorically different to physical cash. It is not just a ‘new’ method of payment. 

Physical money printed and issued by the UK Government still remains money. For centuries it has used this to exert control over money supply, value and corresponding historical events.

Yet a CBDC essentially turns money into government-issued tokens that can only be spent according to their conditions. Think of funfair tokens: no longer money with real-world value, but ‘Monopoly’ money that can be controlled, regulated and deleted at the whim of officials. Agendas such as universal basic income (UBI) are nothing but window dressing for the CBDC trap.

The fiat economy, based on government-issued currency not backed by a commodity such as gold, is collapsing. In its place, governments worldwide are rushing to introduce CBDCs, offering them unprecedented levels of control over citizens. These ‘digital token’ currencies lock citizens into an almost inescapable digital grid, where buying and selling involves not just cash or bartering: a smartphone or trackable device will also be required for all transactions. Maybe those ‘wacky’ street preachers with their ‘end is nigh’ placards were right after all…

Governments and central banks, which persistently prove themselves against the interests of the people, relish the prospect of further control: CBDCs will make internet cookies, CCTV cameras and ankle tags yesterday’s news. Each and every digital financial transaction will be tracked, traced and controlled. Purchasing or selling ‘unapproved’ items will be banned, and eventually so will those who refuse the system.

Tell the Chancellor that you will not go along with this dystopian future being planned.

Recent years have confirmed what many suspected: that the best way to know if a politician is lying is to check whether his mouth is open.

We’ve heard the script before. The two-year lockdowns were originally 'planned' for three weeks, Iraq was supposed to have weapons of mass destruction and a handful of inconceivably rich families and tech giants control the free market. We know, we get it. Just another coincidence, just another simple mistake by 'incapable' politicians. Forgive and forget.

Do not be fooled: the elimination of cash, the final nod to the bartering economy, is the aim of their CBDC implementation. It will be a gift to those censoring the truth, and a hammer (and sickle) blow to pro-life, pro-family citizens.

Say ‘NO’ to cashless Britain.

Our time to resist is almost spent…

John Candia and the CitizenGO team


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Rev 13:17

CitizenGO is a community of active citizens that works to ensure that human life, the family and our freedoms are respected worldwide. CitizenGO members live in every nation of the world. Our team is spread across 16 countries on 5 continents and operates in 12 languages. Learn about CitizenGO here or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.




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