The sinister plan to remove your freedoms-unless we unite to stop it!

Urgent warning:Your freedom and national sovereignty are about to be given away as the sp-called World Health Authority will use its massive ;power to remove your medical freedom-for example forcing all of us to take the deadly killer so-called vccinations. Thia message is from Citizen Go which fights for freedom against the evil policies of the WHO,

The globalists' and radical leftists efforts to ratify the Pandemic Treaty are intensifying - a move that could centralize global health decisions, steal your medical freedom, and undermine national sovereignty.

Time is ticking, and the situation is becoming more urgent as we approach the home stretch of negotiations for making the Pandemic Treaty a reality.

The globalist elites have scheduled an intensive, 'marathon' meeting on February 19 in Geneva to try to ram through key treaty sections before anyone can mobilize against this power grab. 

We need your voice more than ever to ensure that doesn't happen.

URGENT: Demand Ambassador Simon Morley CMG and World Health Organization representatives reject the Pandemic Treaty at the February negotiations.


Thank you for being a crucial part of this movement.

Sebastian Lukomski and the entire CitizenGO team

P.S. The WHO's determination to ratify this treaty is evident in their scheduled marathon meeting in Geneva. Now, more than ever, your actions can make a difference. By signing our petition, you're taking a stand for liberty and self-determination. Please share this petition with your family, friends, and contacts. Together, we can amplify our impact and protect our fundamental rights against this unprecedented challenge. Your voice, signature, and advocacy are essential in this fight.

Here's the email we sent y earlier on this:


ALERT: a new and critical UN summit is scheduled for next Monday in Geneva to advance the Pandemic Treaty.


This treaty, part of a wider globalist totalitarian agenda, threatens to place global health decisions in the hands of a single, globalist elite. 


Take action NOW to protect your rights against the World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty – sign the petition before time runs out!


CitizenGO internal sources from the UN just dropped a bombshell on us: 

The radical leftist globalists controlling the UN’s World Health Organization are plotting a so-called 'marathon' - a two-week stretch in Geneva set for this February 19th.

What's the game plan? To ram through and secure critical sections of the Pandemic Treaty to ensure it is accepted by their deadline: May 2024. 

We’re against the clock.

Globalists seek to become the global health authority before “the next pandemic strikes.”

But you and I know that this isn't about health - it's about who holds the reins of power in times of crisis and gets billions and billions of Euros in funding for propaganda and power grabs. 

Thanks to authoritarian responses to Covid-19 (many say totalitarian), our basic freedoms were put on hold out of fear. Lockdowns, passports, and forced vaccinations were imposed, and anyone who resisted faced major rights restrictions, fines, and jail.

The globalist elites have recognized the immense control they can gain over a terrified population, and they want to ensure that power with the Pandemic Treaty.

If ratified, this treaty isn't just a piece of paper – it's legally binding and could irreversibly change the face of global health governance.

ACT NOW and sign this petition calling on Ambassador Simon Manley CMG to reject the Pandemic Treaty at the upcoming February negotiations.

Think of it: a future where global health decisions are no longer in the hands of our nation or your doctor but dictated by a single, all-powerful global entity. 

This isn't a possibility; it's a looming reality if we don't take decisive action here and now.

In a nutshell, these are some powers the World Health Organization seeks to seize, demanding billions of Euros to fund their corruption and power grabs:

  • Enhanced control over countries, doctors, hospitals, and other groups impacting their decision-making about health.
  • Authority to make global health decisions, reducing each country's sovereignty.
  • Ability to declare a pandemic, which could drastically affect our lives and economies.
  • Treaty measures to “combat misinformation” could easily limit free speech.

What’s more, the WHO and its network of fellow UN agencies are simultaneously clamping down on your freedoms in any way they can.

We are experiencing an alarming trend of totalitarian policies that are sweeping through the UN and its agencies in recent months. 

Look no further than the recent UNESCO report, which threatens to censor dissenting opinions and thoughts on elections, health issues, and so-called "hate speech".

These are orchestrated moves to facilitate and pave the way for the approval of the Pandemic Treaty and other globalist measures. 

By stifling open discussion and criticism, this trend creates an environment where the Pandemic Treaty can be approved without the necessary scrutiny or public dissent. 

The globalists' plan is fiendishly masterful. Everything is connected: controlling narratives, shutting down dissent and criticism, and ultimately, controlling us.

But at CitizenGO, we won't let our freedoms (YOUR freedoms) be trampled on in the name of hypothetical "future pandemics."

We have you and hundreds of thousands of citizens in every corner of the world ready to fight against the plot of the globalist elites to impose worldwide control.

But with the May deadline fast approaching, time is seriously running out! Will you help us stand up against the globalist totalitarian Pandemic Treaty at the upcoming negotiations on February 19th in Geneva?

Despite the WHO's fervent efforts, there is still hope, according to what we know from our sources on the inside:

  • There has been a lack of consensus among negotiators in recent WHO Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) meetings.
  • Diplomats have been putting off major decisions until the last minute, holding their cards close to their chest, often leading to deadlocks – they feel your pressure, and fear it. 
  • Some countries still have doubts about signing a treaty that requires them to cede part of their sovereignty to an ideologically driven organization controlled by the opaque tentacles of the globalist elites and their billionaire sponsors.

But the WHO's rushed push is a sign of their desperation, and we cannot afford to rest until our victory is certain.

CitizenGO stands as the foremost global organization actively fighting against the harmful elements of this treaty by alerting and rallying citizens around the world.

We know how to stop this treaty and we're ready to do it. But we need you on our side, supporting us in this no-holds-barred fight.

This is a crucial moment for us to intervene. The longer the negotiations drag on without consensus, the harder it becomes for them to disguise their twisted agenda.

Now is our chance to act, to keep the pressure mounting.

YOUR VOICE IS NEEDED NOW: Sign our petition and demand Ambassador Simon Manley CMG and WHO representatives to stand against the Pandemic Treaty.

Thank you for being an integral part of this movement.

Sebastian Lukomski and the entire CitizenGO team

P.S. The WHO is accelerating its efforts to get this Treaty ratified on time. They have scheduled an intense, marathon two-week meeting this month in Geneva, focusing on formalizing key sections of the treaty. Their determination is clear—they know this is their best chance.

Now, your voice and action matter most. The Pandemic Treaty isn't just a rule; it risks our freedom and gives power and billions of Euros to globalist bureaucrats. Sign the petition now, not just to share your view, but to stand for freedom and choice.

Join us to protect our values. Together, we'll show we won't let our rights be taken behind closed doors. Your voice and signature are key to this fight.

More information:
- Governments continue discussions on pandemic agreement negotiating text [WHO]:

- WHO’s Dr. Tedros says new global pandemic is matter of ‘when’ not ‘if’ at 2024 Davos summit [LifeSiteNews]:

LAWTON: Is the WHO’s pandemic treaty a cover for government overreach? [True North]:

WEF and WHO threaten “Disease X” in final push for Pandemic Treaty [The Counter Signal]:

- Governments Continue Discussions on Pandemic Agreement [Healthcare Purchasing News]:

CitizenGO is a community of active citizens that works to ensure that human life, the family and our freedoms are respected worldwide. CitizenGO members live in every nation of the world. Our team is spread across 16 countries on 5 continents and operates in 12 languages. Learn about CitizenGO here or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

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Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
1 John 4:1

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