EU costs Britain £100,000 a minute - as well as our independence!

The EU costs every man, woman and child £873 per year The EU is costing the British economy £50.6 Billion this year, by 2007 this will rise to £52.4 Billion The question should not be whether we can afford to leave but how can we afford to stay in." By 2007 the combined direct and indirect costs of EU membership will cost Britain close to £100,000 per minute. Since Britain joined the ‘European Economic Community’ in 1973, Parliamentarians have time and again called for a cost-benefit analysis to prove or disprove the benefits of membership; successive Conservative and Labour governments have consistently refused on the grounds that the benefits are ‘self-evident’. Set out in the latest Bruges Group research by Gerard Batten MEP the full costs to Britain have now been calculated. The facts: Britain has given nearly £200 Billion to the EU since we joined In 2007 UK taxpayers will be forced to pay £14.2 Billion to the EU The EU costs every man, woman and child £873 per year The EU is costing the British economy £50.6 Billion this year, by 2007 this will rise to £52.4 Billion


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Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was stirred in him, when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry. (Idol - anything or anyone who is prayed to or given the reverence due to God alone. Idolatry - giving excessive honor to a person or thing and ascribing them with godlike power.)
Acts of the Apostles 17:16

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