How a Pilgrim fled persecution to go to America. We should remember religious history before welcoming the Pope!

American Minute with Bill Federer William Brewster died APRIL 18, 1644. His position as a leader of the Pilgrim church in England led to his capture and imprisonment. Fleeing to Holland, Brewster later sailed with the Pilgrims to America, signed the Mayflower Compact and was elected an elder. Governor William Bradford wrote of William Brewster:

"(In England) on the Lord's day they generally met at his house, which was a manor...and he entertained them with great kindness...providing for them at heavy expense to himself. He was the leader of those who were captured in Lincolnshire, suffering the greatest loss, and was one of the seven who were kept longest in prison and afterwards bound over to the assizes.

After he came to Holland he suffered much hardship, having spent most of his means... Towards the latter part of those twelve years spent in Holland, his circumstances improved...for through his knowledge of Latin he was able to teach many foreign students English." Bradford continued to say of William Brewster: "He labored in the fields as long as he was able; yet when the church had no other minister he taught twice every Sabbath, and that both powerfully and profitably, to the great edification and comfort of his hearers, many being brought to God by his ministry."


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'Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness?' This is a clear warning to Christians not to marry a non-believer.
2 Corinthians 7:14

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