"Secularism is a euphemism for a set of beliefs that are the antithesis of faith. Boiled down to its basic elements, secularism is man's subordination of morality to his own earthly judgments, scientific and otherwise. ...
The secularist catechism holds that truth is subjective, relative or contextual; because it demands that rationality can solve moral and ontological questions about man's nature, that discrimination is the greatest of all evils and that patriotism is the only social disease that isn't sexually-transmitted. ...
Former PresidentObama's thesis ... was that our moral code can exist in the absence of a religious foundation. ...Secularism -- and its cousin, multiculturalism -- are the primary causes of the weakening of western society at a most dangerous time in history. The weakness results ... because secularism turns the bedrock of western society -- the moral code derived from Judeo-Christian faith -- into sand.
By divorcing our societies from faith, we render every man's morality equal to every other's, and thus make them all valueless. When Ex-President Obama said we are a nation bound by ideals and values, he postulated an impossibility: where do those secular ideals and values come from if -- as liberal dogma requires -- every man makes up his own?" --Human Events editor Jed Babbin