This may be your last Pat Franklin

We were told that some readers snorted with derision at the gospel content of 'The Free Press,' a newspaper Pat and I formerly ran.When we started the newspaper we resolved to print the gospel in every issue and now that we are on the web, we will do the same. We also intend to be as politically incorrect as possible. That, we guarantee.

Some readers may still show their displeasure, but once again we present the gospel, the good news, the only means by which people may be saved from Hell. Please consider it carefully. This may be your last call, your last chance to accept the gospel.

We are living nearly at the end of the age of grace, when anyone can open his heart to God by expressing faith in His Son Jesus Christ. If you believe that Jesus died for your sins, was buried and rose again on the third day, you can this moment tell Him that you believe and invite Him into your heart.

He will give you His Holy Spirit to indwell you as soon as you genuinely ask (you don’t have to have any weird feeling, just trust Him to do what He promised). This means you immediately and forever will belong in God’s family and are guaranteed a place in Heaven, if you sincerely believe. You will know that your faith is genuine if you become interested in the things of God – if you actually want to read the Bible, God’s Word; if you want to find others who feel as you do; and if you want to serve God faithfully by doing what He wants, not what you want.

If you never feel any desire to read the Bible or get together with other Christians, and you have no interest in serving God, then your faith is not real, and you had better get on your knees and beg the Lord to change your hard heart so that you can truly believe. This is the choice, folks, Heaven or Hell: Jesus as your beloved Lord or the Lord Jesus as your stern judge.

It is not ‘religion.’ Religion is concerned with rituals and ceremonies. We have no time for such religion . Only a real relationship with God will save you – an actual, living relationship, not ritualistic or ceremonial.

Only the Lord Jesus sealing you with His Holy Spirit will save you and now is the time to ask Him. Just you and Him. You don’t need a priest to mediate. Jesus is the only Mediator between God and man. Any other is an impostor and a liar. Will you give your heart to Jesus and ask Him today to be your Lord? Or will you snort with derision, as some have done. Or will you retreat into your nice church building where they are good at the rituals, but have never told you any of this? After all, it’s so comforting to have an attractive building and an authority figure at the front in fancy dress. Please, think!

This might be your last chance to accept Jesus! Do it now! Why? Because Jesus Christ said: ‘I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father except through Me.’ Gospel of John, Chapter 14 verse 6 We dare you to read the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and find out if what we say is true.

For any who want to belong to Jesus, here is a sample prayer: ‘Lord Jesus, I believe you are the holy Son of God who died on the cross to pay the penalty for my sins. I believe you were buried and rose from the dead on the third day. I have sinned. Please forgive me for (name every sin you can remember). Please be my Lord and make me one of Your people.’ Email us by all means if you want to know more.


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And when Jesus had come into Peter's house, He saw his wife's mother lying sick with a fever. (Peter was married and had a mother-in-law. He was not the 'first pope' and he was not celibate.)
Matthew 8:14

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