Here's a gateway to all my latest filmed talks to our local church -explaining in detail the spiritual reasons behind today's dramatic and fast moving events.

My talks to Tongham Christian Fellowship in Surrey, England, are filmed and available on this website:

If you are puzzled by the Covid development and wonder where it is leading I explain all. What is the coming world "reset" in January 2021?

Will all the people of the world be forced to take a vaccine? Bill Gates of Microsoft fame is now pushing the vaccine plan through The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and said in a Financial Times interview that only by this means would the world return to normal.

Fact: we are not going back to pre-2020 "normal," as The New World Order is being built faster than a Chinese skyscraper. They go up fast!

Our old friend the late Barry Smith from New Zealand gave us a wonderful overview of these events in many inspired talks until his death 20 years ago. I often quote his catchprase "Cash Will Crash In A Flash."

I expect that to happen  somewhen in 2021 but cash is already hardly used in a number of nations, the leading one being China where in the big cities people pay bills solely using electronic means via smartphones and digital identities. One visiting American found he couldn't even buy an ice-cream using cash or cards. No "WePay" link, no ice cream. The Chinese people are usually helpful and generous so the lady in the ice cream stall gave the man an ice cream!

However, I do not believe this is a Chinese plot, but the hidden hands behind the long-planned New World Order are now seizing their chance. They never let a crisis go to waste!

Governments round the world in what we like to call "free societies" are finding that at a dictat our freedoms can be removed and we can be regulated in many aspects of our lives and confined to our homes if the often  blundering, panic-stricken leaders think this a good idea.

The doctors and medical experts claiming we have taken the wrong approach to a virus that kills fewer than one per cent of those it infects are not allowed to speak out on pain of having their licences removed. This is fact, not conspiracy theory. There are tried quick, cheap cures for the Virus but medical staff are not permitted to talk about them! So much for free speech and a free society. We get relentless propaganda instead of the whole truth and I speak as aformer editor and  publisher for decades.

As hospitals in the UK have many wards empty for the influx of Covid 19 patients that mostly never happened, hundreds of thousands of people are being denied treatment for serious ailments, like cancer and heart problems. Billions of pounds have been spend on building Nightingale Hospitals in the UK to deal with the alleaged pandemic, or "plandemic" as some term it.

In  London The Nightingale, equipped with  4,000 emergency beds, never had more than 40 Covid patients at any one time. It stands empty but many ridiculous clampdowns have gone ahead. We are suppoed not to sing in church, for example. Worship is to God and must never be stopped or hindered.

I will be writing more on these subjects but remember, it's all on my filmed talks and dvds. Take a look! Here's the link again:


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I will bring back the captives of My people Israel; they shall build the waste cities and inhabit them...I will plant them in their land, and no longer shall they be pulled up from the land I have given them, says the LORD your God.
Amos 9:14,15

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