The greatest Christian book after the Bible.

American Minute with Bill Federer Pilgrim's Progress was published FEBRUARY 18, 1678. An allegory of a pilgrim's journey to the Celestial City, it was written by John Bunyan, born in Bedford, England.

At age 29, Bunyan became a Baptist minister and was imprisoned over 12 years for preaching without a license. While in jail, he supported his family by making shoelaces. His book, found in nearly every colonial New England home, was the world's best-seller for centuries.

Benjamin Franklin wrote in his Autobiography: "From a child I was fond of reading, and all the little money that came into my hands was ever laid out in books. Pleased with the Pilgrim's Progress, my first collection was of John Bunyan's works in separate little volumes."

Franklin continued: "My old favorite author, Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress...has been translated into most of the languages of Europe, and suppose it has been more generally read than any other book, except perhaps the Bible." In it, John Bunyan wrote: "Christian ran thus till he came at a place somewhat ascending, and upon that place stood a cross...So I saw in my dream, that just as Christian came up with the cross, his burden loosed from off his shoulders, and fell from off his back." This great masterpeice can be better understood with the aid of a tape series, also available on CD, by Pastor Jim Gables. Pat and I CANNOT RECOMMEND IT TOO HIGHLY. You can even obtain it in an MP3 version from the address below : Grace Abounding Bible Ministries 3426 Queenstown Road Trussville, Alabama 35173, USA.


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'But when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words.' (People who say the rosary repeat the 'Hail Mary' prayer 53 times and the 'Our Father' six times.)
Matthew 6:7

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