Is the Lord's imminent return an excuse for apathy?

Is "Jesus Is Coming Soon" A Good Reason To Be Apathetic? By Chuck Baldwin When responding to my pleas for Christians to get involved in helping to save the liberty and independence of these United States, I hear so many say, "All we can do is pray and win souls. After all, this is the fulfillment of prophecy, and Jesus is coming soon."

When I hear Christians say those words, I want to scream. Regardless of when Christ returns, He gave us clear instructions to "Occupy till I come." To use the coming of Christ as an excuse to passively allow today's neocons, liberals, and globalists to undermine and destroy our country's heritage and future is inexcusable.

With a desire to encourage Christians to realize their responsibility and, yes, obligation, to aggressively resist those forces working to turn America into Huxley's Brave New World (which is nothing more than the modern attempt to create the ancient Tower of Babel), I recently preached a message entitled "Occupy Till I Come." Interestingly enough, Jesus spoke those words upon hearing that the disciples expected Him to immediately set up His Kingdom.

In other words, Jesus was telling the disciples that, regardless of when He would establish His Kingdom on the earth, they had a job to do! That message still holds true for Christians today. This extremely relevant and timely message can now be viewed and downloaded at:

One may access this video by using either a high speed or dial up modem. Plus, there is an MP3 file for those who wish to download the audio version of this message to their IPOD. And, as always, there is no charge to view or download my videos.

I urge readers to view this latest video and distribute the message to everyone they can. This message is desperately needed across America today. Please feel free to copy and distribute. So, visit often! Once again, thank you for reading my commentaries. (c) Chuck Baldwin Please visit Chuck's web site at


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'I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away as a branch and dries up; and they gather them, and cast them into the fire and they are burned.'
John 15:5,6

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