If you want to know what’s happening in this muddled, mixed up and often mystifying world, you need to know the future! The future is foretold by God - it’s not a mystery to Bible-believing Christians.
Tomorrow, Sunday February 5, I will be giving a Powerpoint presentation at the morning service at Tongham Christian Fellowship, Poyle Road, Tongham, Surrey- just outside Aldershot on the Surrey/Hampshire border.
The theme is The Converging signs of Bible Prophecy. My following speaking dates, from London to Buckinghamshire, are as follows:
Friday, February 17, Hephzibah, Marlow:
The title of my talk is: Jesus is returning soon: all prophetic signs are converging.
I will cover everything relating to the signs of the times - for we are living in the times of the signs, from natural disasters to political unrest, Middle East turmoil and the coming crash of cash.
More details from: www.hephzibah-marlow.org.uk
The presentation starts at 8:00 PM at Marlow C of E Infant School, Sandygate Road, Marlow, Bucks., SL7 3AZ
On Saturday, March 4, I am speaking at 6.30 at Chartridge Mission Church, Chesham, Bucks. The event, being organized by the Chesham branch of the Prophetic Witness Movement International, will be held at Chartridge Mission Church, Chapel Lane, Chartridge, Chesham, Buckinghamshire HP5 2TH
The meeting starts at 6.30 and Pat and I will be pleased to meet with and talk to you. Our latest books and DVDs will be on sale after the meeting.
For further information about the meeting, call Keith Richardson on 01494 776481.
Pat and I are spending all of April in Israel for Passover, returning for a meeting in London as follows:
Saturday, May 6, Israel and Prophecy meeting at All Souls Clubhouse,
141 Cleveland Street W1T 6QG
The title of my first talk
will be:
Jesus is Returning Soon:
All Prophetic Signs Are Converging.
This is where I am speaking: All Souls Clubhouse (ASC) 141 Cleveland Street, LONDON W1T 6QG, downstairs in the Ground Floor Lounge.The doors open at 10 am and I start teaching at 10.30 am and finish at 3pm, with the latter half on “The Timing of The Rapture.There is a one hour lunch break from noon.
If you are coming you need to bring a packed lunch or eat at nearby cafes, like the Zilly Cafe opposite the venue. Light refreshments
including tea, coffee, juice, biscuits and crisps will be available in the hall.
The nearest tube stations are Great Portland Street (Circle, H&C and Metropolitan
lines) & Warren Street (Northern & Victoria lines) - both
a two minute walk from ASC.
Please check for engineering work before you
NB The meetings are at
Souls CLUBHOUSE, Cleveland Street,
All Souls, Langham Place!
Further information from Sally Richardson tel 07867 793 253 / 07985 577773
If any churches in the USA or UK would like to book me for a teaching day based on prophecy and the Bible in the news, please contact me at alan@thefreepressonline.co.uk
Pat, a qualified teacher and regular teacher at our home church Sunday School, will be pleased to take the children of the churches for classes while I am speaking.