If you ever wondered why our so-called “media” never utters a critical word about the carnage being created by the so-called “vaccines” it could just be the fact that Bill Gates and his Foundation sponsor big chunks of it, from the BBC –already The Biased Broadcasting Corporation-and The Guardian, another outlet that has never had the right take on anything in my experience..
Even The Telegraph has pocketed handouts from Gates-
much the same also applies in America. This is revealed in a superb article in The Conservative Woman by Karen Harradinehttps://www.conservativewoman.co.uk
Here’s the link to Karen’s full article: ...https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/bill-gatess-stranglehold-on-the-msm-part-2-britain/
With an estimated
of $128.9billion,
Bill Gates
is the fourth richest man in the world, after Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Bernard Arnault and Elon Musk,
to Forbes.
That’s plus The Gates Foundation’s vast resources.
It’s the largest organisation of its kind in the world with an endowment of about $50bn (£36bn) - more than the GDP of some countries.
Gates appointed his chosen successor as CEO of Microsoft and has the title “software advisor to the Chief Executive.” Now Gates is concentrating on vaccinating the world, coupled with his twin ambition of removing over seven billion people from the earth’s population. Yes, I heard him say it in a conversation with the equally unpleasant Henry Kissinger.
Oddly, this film clip has been mysteriously removed from the web. Gates also said that vaccines could be used for this. They agreed the aim should be a world population of 500 million. The present world population is 7,794,798,739.
Gates now concentrates on steering the WHO down the deadly vaccine road. He achieves this
is as the biggest funder and main influence behind the World Health Organisation.
Karen Harradine adds:”Less widely known is that he has spent hundreds of millions
bankrolling news outlets,
in the process turning the GF into one of
journalism’s main gatekeepers. According to Tim Schwab of Columbia Journalism Review, by last June more than $250million had gone to news operations including the BBC, NBC, Al Jazeera,
National Journal,
Financial Times, Univision,
Atlantic, the
Texas Tribune, Gannett,
Washington Monthly,
Le Monde, and the Center for Investigative Reporting; and to charitable organisations affiliated with news outlets, like the BBC’s Media Action and the
New York Times’s Neediest Cases Fund.
“As I reported in Part One of this investigation, most of this funding comes under the fine sounding GF heading of Global Policy and Advocacy,
of which
the BBC is a major beneficiary.
Little wonder that there is little that is dispassionate about its reporting on Covid-19 vaccination or climate change.
“It’s not just the BBC that the GF manipulates through these means. Between 2016 and 2020, the
Financial Times
received $2.3million from the GF, including $1.3million to fund ‘global health awareness’.
is another recipient of Mr Gates’s largesse. Like the BBC, it sports a ‘Global Development’ site, the common
root being
GF funding.
Its claimed editorial independence is contradicted
by its stated sole campaigning purpose
to provide special focus on the
Millennium Development Goals,
eight targets set in 2000 by the
United Nations Millennium Declaration.
has bought into this to the extent that it operates mainly as a
deferential PR channel for both the UN and the GF.
“The collaboration with the GF to
‘help focus the world’s attention on global development’
goes back 11 years.
This is a sophisticated propaganda exercise to convince the public of the beneficial nature of Gates’s investments in a multitude of global development projects
including vaccines and solutions for climate change.
It helps ensure that
any alternative narrative or critique is unlikely to see the light of day in any of the outlets
to which he extends his munificence.
“Since August 2011, the GF has given
$12.2million towards this, the latest grant being almost
$2million last September.
has not only busily promoted the
Millennium Development Goals, but also its spawn, the
UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,
yet another dishonest scheme to take guilt money from Western taxpayers and give it to the world’s despots and dictators, all in the name of climate change.
“Yet, as I have
previously set out:
‘Very little information is available on exactly how the money is invested and who benefits from it. No information is offered to indicate if it has been cost-effective and beneficial to the economies and welfare of the 193 countries signed up to it.’
“The British public have been drip-fed this propaganda for years through various GF-funded MSM mouthpieces such as the BBC.
Yet it’s the
economically fragile
West which pays for the 2030 Agenda and its climate change ‘remedies’, draining it of even more of its resources while authoritarian regimes like China
benefit financially and increase their dominance over the UN.
The MSM barely protests.
“The worry is that the GF has not only captured the Left-wing media in Britain: it has also made inroads into the
Centre and Right. The
accepted $3.4million from the GF in November 2017 to
‘raise awareness’ of global health issues. The London
Evening Standard
was awarded money in the same year too,
receiving $20,000
to spread the GF propaganda on the ‘global health crisis’.
The growing financial dependence of the MSM on a combination of Government advertising and GF largesse has already put its impartiality in jeopardy. This is threatened further by the GF’s funding of a global network of young ‘journalists’.
This project,
called the International Centre of Journalists, has been
to promote ‘public awareness’ around global health.
“Based in the US,
the organisation finances
activists to promote ‘better governments’ and make ‘communities safer and healthier’, amongst other woke ideals.
Their 2020 annual review predictably emphasises the need to highlight racial injustice and climate change, and combat ‘disinformation’ about Covid-19.
Robert Kennedy Junior
says, Gates’s press bribes have paid off. ‘During the pandemic, bought and brain-dead news outlets have treated Bill Gates as a public health expert despite his lack of medical training or regulatory experience.’
To read more from Karen and others go to ...https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/bill-gatess-stranglehold-on-the-msm-part-2-britain/
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