This time, they’re pushing transgender ideology on children as young as five through their 'Little Big Sing with Trans Voices' event at the Southbank Centre.
And that’s not the only event. A slew of similar events includes a tour around the human body with a trans non-binary emergency doctor, to an interactive writing session for kids – all seeking to promote transgender ideology to children.
We need your signature NOW to make a stand. Sign our petition calling on Dr Darren Henley CBE, chief executive of Arts Council, to stop using public money to promote trans ideology.
Children deserve better.
Let's stand together. Let's make our voice heard. Let's remind the Arts Council that they can't play fast and loose with our money - or our children's minds.
Thanks for all you do,Chris Joyce and the entire CitizenGO TeamP.S. If you have already signed, please share the petition with your friends.
Public funds are being used to promote transgender ideology to children!
The National Lottery has given £432,500 to to The Arts
Council is ppromoting
‘queer family making""
Public funds are being used to promote transgender ideologies and lifestyles to young children!
The National Lottery recently handed LGBT schools charity Just Like Us £432,500 over three years to "transform its Pride Groups programme".
Celebrating the news, Just Like Us announced it’d use the money to reach “more pupils than ever before”. The organisation, which is already active in over 6,000 schools and runs Pride clubs in 1,600 of those, has ‘resources’ that target people of faith and sideline those with Biblical views on marriage and family.
£432,500 is a colossal amount of money to be awarded towards promoting LGBT lifestyles towards young and impressionable minds and represents 66% of Just Like Us’ total 2022 income.
Join us in calling on David Knott, Chief Executive of The National Lottery Community Fund, to ensure public funds aren't used in the promotion of transgender ideology, particularly towards impressionable young children.
Not just content with indoctrinating the minds of young children, the National Lottery is now teaming up with Netflix and The Arts Council to fund an interactive theatre 'show' about the search for a sperm donor.
The 'show' will see Krishna Istha, who was born female and has a uterus but presents herself as a man and uses all pronouns as she claims to be in a “never-ending process of constantly transitioning”, interview prospective sperm donors live on stage as she seeks to find a “suitable donor”.
The appalling spectacle is being promoted as "a rare opportunity to contribute to and witness queer family-making" but, in reality, serves as nothing more than a platform for Krishna to solicit a sperm donor and promote transgender ideology.
The whole process reduces pregnancy and parenthood to that of a game show without taking into consideration the well-being of the baby who will be born in such circumstances.
The Arts Council receives taxpayer money directly from the government and acknowledges on its website that "it's your money" that is being given away.
Join us in asking Dr Darren Henley CBE, chief executive of Arts Council England, to ensure public funds aren’t used to promote transgender ideology.
Like the National Lottery, the Arts Council has a history of using its public funds to promote provocative and divisive issues. Last year, the Arts Council funded the Family Sex Show, which sought to encourage children as young as five to “explore sexual pleasure” and would have featured adults fully exposing themselves to minors.
With your support, we were able to see the Family Sex Show cancelled!
Whilst this was a huge victory, the funding for Just Like Us and Krishna shows we need to remain vigilant to the misuse of public funds.
By taking action now, you’ll ensure the allocation of public funds is better scrutinised, and projects promoting controversial ideologies will be less likely to get a penny.
Sign our petition now! Call on David Knott and Dr Darren Henley CBE to ensure public funds aren't used in the promotion of transgender ideology.
Thank you, as always, for your support,
Chris Joyce and the entire CitizenGO Team
P.S. Once you've signed, please share the petition with as many people as possible. We need all the support we can get!
More information:
- Trans-promoting school resources awarded over £400k by National Lottery [Christian Concern]
- Just Like Us income and expenditure overview [Charity Commission for England and Wales]
- The National Lottery Community Fund supports Just Like Us to empower LGBT+ young people and allies in England and Wales [Just Like Us]
- Female-born trans man is given £64K of public cash to find a sperm donor: Sex Education writer gets Arts Council grant to host live Netflix show to grill men on their suitability to father child [Mail]