- Urgent warning – you could have just a few months freedom left. Unless millions of people worldwide fight this planned dictatorship it will happen shortly. (Showing you How to do this follows) Stopping freedom of travel is just one plan. This story is from Citizen Go, a freedom loving organisation that puts pressure on those planning to control our lives. You can spread the word from this link CitizenGO [actions@citizengo.email]
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The WHO's amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), hastily adopted at the World Health Assembly, give them unprecedented power to declare pandemics and demand mandatory measures like vaccines and travel bans to seize the control that you kept them from getting through the Pandemic Treaty.
These new so-called “rules” threaten your national sovereignty and individual freedoms.
Citizen Go urgently needs your support to help stop it.
These amendments will empower the WHO to declare pandemic emergencies, enforce mandatory vaccines, impose travel bans, and increase surveillance on you and your family – nearly everything they wanted from the Pandemic Treaty you and I worked so hard to defeat this past May!
You may recall the World Health Assembly's desperate, last-minute efforts to pass these regulations at any cost.
Having successfully stalled the WHO's Pandemic Treaty, we now face a new, urgent battle against these overreaching amendments to the International Health Regulations. You must act now to protect your freedoms and preserve your sovereignty.
The WHO's amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), hastily adopted at the World Health Assembly, give them unprecedented power to declare pandemics and demand mandatory measures like vaccines and travel bans to seize the control that you kept them from getting through the Pandemic Treaty.
These new so-called “rules” threaten your national sovereignty and individual freedoms.
I urgently need your support to help stop it.
These amendments will empower the WHO to declare pandemic emergencies, enforce mandatory vaccines, impose travel bans, and increase surveillance on you and your family – nearly everything they wanted from the Pandemic Treaty you and I worked so hard to defeat this past May!
You may recall the World Health Assembly's desperate, last-minute efforts to pass these regulations at any cost.
Having successfully stalled the WHO's Pandemic Treaty, we now face a new, urgent battle against these overreaching amendments to the International Health Regulations. You must act now to protect your freedoms and preserve your sovereignty.
The so-called World Health Organisation wants to issue dictats that will be law in most countries of the world
The World Health Organisation, heavily influenced and funded by Bill Gates whose aim is to cut the world population from around 8 billion to 500 million, has pushed through amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) that will grant them unprecedented control over our lives.
The WHO's amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), hastily adopted at the World Health Assembly, give them unprecedented power to declare pandemics and demand mandatory measures like vaccines and travel bans to seize the control that you kept them from getting through the Pandemic Treaty.
These new so-called “rules” threaten your national sovereignty and individual freedoms.
I urgently need your support to help stop it.
These amendments will empower the WHO to declare pandemic emergencies, enforce mandatory vaccines, impose travel bans, and increase surveillance on you and your family – nearly everything they wanted from the Pandemic Treaty you and I worked so hard to defeat this past May!
You may recall the World Health Assembly's desperate, last-minute efforts to pass these regulations at any cost.
Having successfully stalled the WHO's Pandemic Treaty, we now face a new, urgent battle against these overreaching amendments to the International Health Regulations. You must act now to protect your freedoms and preserve your sovereignty.
The UK only has 10 months to withdraw from these binding regulations before the WHO claims every rule will be automatically enforced, and I am afraid the bureaucrats and politicians representing us will give in without a fight… unless you act NOW!
Thankfully, some member states have already shown dissent. With enough pressure, we can compel our governments to reject these oppressive amendments.
Will you sign your Reject the International Health Regulations petition urging Sir Keir Starmer to withdraw your country from the IHR and protect your freedoms from these overreaching regulations?
CitizenGO is mobilising to push back against these IHR amendments. Our collective efforts have already made a significant impact in pushing back the WHO on the Pandemic Treaty.
Now, I must ask you to rally once more to safeguard your rights and freedoms from these oppressive measures. Your support is crucial in this fight.
Thank you for being an essential part of this critical campaign.
Sebastian Lukomski and the entire CitizenGO team
P.S. Our collective voice is powerful, but we need to amplify it even more. Please share this petition with your family, friends, and contacts. Together, CitizenGO can protect your national sovereignty and freedoms from these overreaching regulations. Your action today can make a huge difference for the future.
Here's a message sent earlier
The WHO's amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), hastily adopted at the World Health Assembly, give them unprecedented power to declare pandemics and demand mandatory measures like vaccines and travel bans to seize the control that you kept them from getting through the Pandemic Treaty.
These new so-called “rules” threaten your national sovereignty and individual freedoms.
Act now to reject these overreaching regulations and safeguard your future—sign the petition today!
Dear reader,
I need to talk to you about something important.
Your support and dedication were vital in stalling the proposed Pandemic Treaty at the World Health Assembly last May.
But you and I knew the UN globalists wouldn’t leave it at that. And I want to explain their new plan to seize power.
As I warned, a parallel document—the Amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR)—was rammed through at the very last minute on the last day of the Assembly.
This document will allow the World Health Organization (WHO) declare pandemic emergencies and enforce restrictive measures during crises, such as mandatory vaccines, travel bans, information control, and more surveillance on you and your family—practically everything they wanted from the Pandemic Treaty sliding through under the cover of darkness.
With less than 10 months to opt out of the International Health Regulations (IHR) before they become legally binding, the UK now has a crucial decision to make!
If we don't opt out, the WHO will begin enforcing it and gain unprecedented power over your daily life.
We have work to do, again! And I need your help.
CitizenGO is launching a direct campaign demanding countries withdraw from the IHR and publicly declare their refusal to be bound by these measures.
All it takes is a letter from Sir Keir Starmer to the WHO, stating that the recently proposed amendments shall not apply to the UK.
Will you help me mount pressure on Sir Keir Starmer to reject these oppressive regulations and protect your freedoms by signing your Reject the International Health Regulations petition?
These changes are signs of a broader agenda to centralize power and control, which the globalists at the WHO and UN want to ram down our throats.
Together, we have already made significant strides against the Pandemic Treaty, serving as the loudest voices exposing the WHO's agenda.
You must build on that success to protect your rights and freedoms.
That is why this campaign is crucial—because these regulations if left unchallenged, could significantly erode your freedoms, change your daily life, block your travel, work, and even your freedom to worship, and grant unprecedented power to unelected globalist bureaucrats.
Here's just SOME of what the UK could expect if it doesn’t officially withdraw from the International Health Regulations (IHR):
The World Health Organization (WHO) will demand the authority to declare pandemics, triggering global measures (Article 1).
The WHO will have expanded power to declare emergencies (Article 12).
Unelected authorities can impose isolation and quarantine on travel and work (Article 27).
Travellers could face compulsory medical exams and vaccinations (Article 31).
National pandemic responses will include comprehensive requirements, such as surveillance and control of non-WHO-approved information (Annex 1).
Detailed requirements for health certificates will be enforced – without WHO-approved documents (ultimately entered in a world database!) you may not be able to work, travel, or make your own medical decisions (Annex 6).
We have a small window of time, and your signature can make all the difference.
Believe me when I say we need to act as soon as possible… Why?
Because the UK's final decision will depend on long and sustained pressure. Experience from similar cases tells us that if you and I don't start acting today, our chance for success will decrease every day we delay.
But I can't do it alone. CitizenGO needs you!
Will you join us in urging the UK government to exit these IHR regulations? Please, sign your Reject the International Health Regulations petition now to help safeguard your freedoms.
On June 1, 2024, these amendments were pushed through in the most questionable and desperate manner after the Pandemic Treaty’s failure, trying to grab more control over your life for the WHO and Big Pharma.
I was there - what happened that day was truly shocking!:
They didn't follow the official procedures.
Instead of calling out each nation’s name for a vote, they claimed they had enough for consensus without any proper vote.
Some member state delegates were even pressured and threatened.
Consensus was claimed when only a third of the member states were in the room.
Unsurprisingly, the globalists in charge of that circus pushed through without even acknowledging the serious failures of past measures like lockdowns and mask mandates, or the harmful side effects of certain COVID-19 treatments and vaccines.
This is a blatant power-grab by arrogant globalist bureaucrats and the UN elites.
Any agreement made at the WHO should be sent back to the legislators for proper approval and ratification, and not quietly swept under the rug and enforced against you later.
But the WHO plans to assume that the UK accepts these amendments unless the head of state writes a letter rejecting them.
t's up to YOU to ensure the WHO can’t intrude on your freedoms.
Time is running out! The UK has until April 2025 to reject these changes by sending an official letter to the WHO.
Your signature can really make a powerful difference. Thankfully, some countries have already expressed objections - Slovakia, Switzerland, Argentina, and the Holy See are among others who have shown dissent or skepticism about the IHR amendments.
This is your chance to make a difference right here and now!
With a bit more pressure, the UK could follow through and withdraw from the deceptive International Health Regulations. Your support can help tip the balance and protect our freedoms.
Sign here and act now to protect our freedoms and ensure the UK with draws from the International Health Regulations.
Thank you for being a part of this critical fight.
Sebastian Lukomski and the entire CitizenGO team
P.S. If we don't act now, the IHR amendments will grant the WHO unprecedented control over the UK and your life. Sign your Reject the International Health Regulations petition to reject these overreaching regulations and safeguard your future.
More information: - Why is the WHO allowed to threaten Member States into giving up sovereignty? [People Power with Shabnam Palesa Mohamed]: https://shabnampalesamo.substack.com/p/why-is-the-who-threatening-delegates
- WHO: Member States term amendments to international health regulations as “historic” [Third World Network]: https://twn.my/title2/health.info/2024/hi240602.htm