Yoga, which came out of Hinduism, is taught and practised in many church halls throughout Britain, including Church of England (Anglican, Episcopalian) churches.
Gullible people think it is just exercise.
I was one of those.
I joined a yoga class to keep fit.
Shortly after that, through a wonderful
work of mercy, I came to faith in the Lord Jesus.
And something about that class disturbed me.
I asked a Methodist pastor if it was OK for a Christian to do yoga and he said:
‘No, it is from eastern religion and the yoga positions are acts of worship to false gods.’
That was it for me.
I knew he was right.
The one thing we did each class was Salute to the Sun, an exercise where you bend down and then stand up with arms stretched up to the sun.
The sun god.
But the worst thing was the last 10 minutes where we would lie on our mats and relax every muscle, let our minds go blank and the teacher would say something like, ‘You are on a beach looking out.
You see a light moving.
Follow the light.’
What rubbish, but we loved it!
Little did we know that the ‘meditation’ at the end was a method which could allow the entry of demons.
This is all completely against what the Bible teaches of course.
One lady from a Baptist church told me of her frightening experience with yoga.
Before becoming a Christian, she had studied yoga with a master guru in London.
One day she was meditating on the floor at home sitting facing a blank wall.
Suddenly the wall disappeared and she was in a large room full of small people looking at her and whispering.
A door burst open and a military troop of tall, strong beings marched in and surrounded her.
They marched her up to a big, empty throne with a shadow on it.
Then there was a loud command:
‘Kneel down’.
She stood for a moment and then threw her arms into the air and yelled ‘NO!’
The vision immediately disappeared and she was back in her house sitting on the floor looking at the blank wall.
That was the end of
yoga for her!
After that she somehow came across a Bible and became a believer in the Lord Jesus.
We met her when she came to our house one day hoping we could direct her to a good church because she left the Baptist church after the pastor admitted that he did not believe in the
virgin birth of Jesus.
She was after the truth.
It was not in yoga and, heartbreakingly, it is not in many so-called Christian churches.
I would say it’s the No. 1 problem of Christians today – to find a Bible believing church.
Now you know all this, you should be warning people to shun yoga.
It is occult, the dark supernatural, demonic, dangerous,
and could well drag you down to hell.
So is there yoga in hell?
No, but there will be a lot of practitioners of yoga there!
Make sure you are not among them.
Come out of it while you still can.
Turn a page in your life.
Get a King James Bible and read it every day.
That is how I got saved.
We had an old one on the shelf which Alan was given when he left secondary school.
We never read it of course.
We were liberals.
But that fateful evening
I got it down and determined to read the New Testament.
I started at Matthew, the genealogy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Somehow I knew from the first line that the Bible was true and was God’s book.
Anyway, the rest is history and we have written books on all this.
You too can know God and belong to Jesus.
You can be one of the Good Shepherd’s sheep.
You just have to believe the gospel.
What is the gospel?
1 Corinthians chapter 15
You must believe that Jesus, the holy Son of God, became man so that he could die for our sins.
Then he was buried and rose to life on the third day according to scriptures, including his own prophecies.
Those things are all attested in all four gospels by men who were eye witnesses and who died martyrs rather than recant their testimonies.
It is not hard to believe the gospel.
So once you do, just tell Jesus that you believe and you need forgiveness for all your sins.
Ask him to forgive you and say you want to follow him.
Ask him to make you one of his people.
If you mean all that, as someone told me many years ago:
‘That is all he is waiting for!’
He will wash you clean by the power of his own blood shed
for you and he will make you one of his people by sealing you with the Holy Spirit.
You will be a new creation.
You must find the courage to tell others the gospel and that you believe it.
This can all happen to anyone reading this who will put their faith in the Lord Jesus and his great sacrifice for us on the cross.
Why in the world would you choose to put your faith in anyone or anything else?
You want to carry on with yoga?
It has not done much for India, where people are still starving and still worshipping animals.
Take your pick.