How Jesus loves the children!
This is a true story from a lady who was a child in the 1940s Scottish revival on the remote Isle of Lewis in the Hebrides. I first heard this several years ago when the Scottish lady was still alive, but she wanted no publicity at all.
Since she is now with the Lord who walked her home one dark night, I can put the story out.
I got the facts from a man at the church we attend in Hampshire, England.
He had been praying for years for revival among the children of our godless generation.
Most children now in Europe have no biblical knowledge and have never heard the gospel.
He was convinced from reading certain scriptures that God was going to do a work among the children so that they would be saved.
The following are his words, only slightly edited.
"Several years ago Chris R invited me to go up to the Scottish Hebrides to the Isle of Lewis.
I didn’t want to go, but then I read about the
revival there.
A few ladies up there had been praying for revival, concentrating on Isaiah chapters 44 and 64.
"I read about children
coming out of church in 1949 and the angels singing to them on the moors on the Isle of Lewis.
"I knew that if I went up there I would find some of those children, and I did.
"After a two day drive and a trip on the ferry I reached the Isle of Lewis.
The person I stayed with lived in the sub Post Office and the postmaster knew one of the children from 1949 who was now in her 70s or 80s and still compos mentis. I met her and said I came to find out more about revival.
"She said that when the revival was going on, she had been to the morning service.
The island is only 12 miles wide and the family lived in a small cottage about 6 miles away from the chapel and walked both ways.
The children walked barefoot, as there was no money for shoes.
"Children were not allowed at the evening service, but she wanted to go and had hung around all day.
Finally it was time for the evening service, but she was not allowed in
and was told to go home.
"It was dark and she lost her way on the moors.
But then she saw a light and Jesus came and walked beside her until they reached the cottage.
Then suddenly
He was gone.
"She did not want her name used and is now with the Lord, maybe walking with him on golden streets.
"She knew I had been praying for the children of our time and she told me – ‘You will get what you prayed for.’
"I know there is going to be an end times revival among this generation of children, who have been raised in complete ignorance of the Bible.
"And I know that many children will shout ‘Hosanna to the Son of David!’,
just as the children did in Israel when the Lord entered Jerusalem on a donkey.
"Watch the children.
When they say they have met with the Lord, do not mock them.
It must be soon.
"And pray for revival among the children."
Pat Franklin adds:
I just tried printing this article out from our website and it doesn't work.
you want to print it out, just copy it and paste it on a Word document and print that.
Sorry !
We will try to get the print function working, but I am not holding my breath...
you are not a Christian, but your heart was touched by this beautiful true story, it is because the Lord Jesus wants you to believe in Him.
Without faith in Him, you will not get to Heaven; you will go to hell forever.
This is not a message modern people want to hear, but it is the truth.
Get a Bible.
Read the New Testament.
Put your faith in the Lord Jesus - that He really did die on the cross for your sins, really was buried and rose to life on the third day.
For about 2,000 years He has been back in heaven interceding with the Father for souls.
He wants you to be one of His people.
Please do not fight Him!
Kneel to Him.
Ask Him to forgive your sins.
That is all He is waiting for.
Why do we drag our heels and make it so hard?
Salvation is a free gift, but Jesus said few people would find it!
This is tragic.
I fought it until I was 36, and how grateful I am that the Lord didn't just let me go, but had immense mercy on me, a sinner.
He died for sinners.
Maybe today is your day to turn to Him and accept Him as your Savior too.
I hope so.