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Roman Catholic Church versus the Bible
Table of Truth II - Islam versus the Bible
Proof positive - the Catholic Church is not Christian ! It is a counterfeit. by Pat Franklin
Auras are Demonic and not for Christians-by Pat Franklin
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Union Jack car sticker - two for three pounds.
Fly the flag for Great Britain. You can cover the 'stars of Europe' which feature on so many British cars now. Stars are not for everyone, especially those of us who dislike being swallowed up by the European superstate. So cover those ugly stars of Europe - symbol of an occupying power -on your numberplate, with our patriotic stickers. Or just stick them on your vehicle and show your allegiance. The hard-wearing flag stickers cost three pounds for two and please add one pound for postage.
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For the promise to Abraham or to his descendants that he would be heir of the world was not through the Law, but through the righteousness of faith.
Romans 4:13
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