The United Kingdom is now led by two Pagans and is increasingly lawless.
In newly elected Rishi Sunak we have the first Prime Minister of the United Kingdom who is a Hindu. He has been pictured worshipping a cow and performing a Hindu ceremony before crossing the threshold of Number 10 Downing Street, historic home of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
Please note: My talk has been removed from my home computer although saved in three places. This means the rich and powerful hate it - so please circulate before further attacks are made on us.
As for King Charles, he is a believer in “faith,” loves his Islamic garden and is a leading mover and shaker in the World Economic Forum which is currently trying to bring about a “total reset of the world.”
This does not bode well for any of the freedoms we still enjoy, like travel, choosing our diet and generally having at least some influence on our rulers.
Charles is a green fanatic although he is himself fabulously wealthy with a string of huge homes at his disposal, like the other leaders of the world reset. No, it is the public- or greatly reduced numbers of us if the world depopulation plan of Bill Gates, George Soros, Henry Kissinger and the rest comes to fruition.
I compiled a picture-packed Powerpoint presentation spelling this out in great detail.
The title is: This is the link on Rumble:The United Kingdom is Now Led by Two Pagans and is Increasingly Lawless by Alan Franklin (
Please help us be watchmen- and women! By spreading the links to my talks around all your contacts and asking them to do the same.
Already YouTube have taken down one of my talks which dares to reveal the falsity of official Covid pronouncements but Rumble stepped in to protect free speech
You might also find this interesting. Big Brother digital identities for all could come soon to the UK. -this is the gist of it:
Big Brother digital identities for all could come soon to the UK.
The Labour Party is thinking of making all residents get a digital identity, making us like robots under total control. Every movement, purchase and action would be known to Big Brother.
For the record, this is why telling the truth got me banned from youtube: I am in trouble here after my talk to our church,.I had my talk banned from youtube. They also removed it from our church website,
I think plans are on fast forward for all that’s coming - the theme of my talk which took me days to prepare and is now a banned message, or was until Rumble stepped in to provide free speech.
The church elder who runs the site of the site has been warned that if we offend YouTube (Google) a couple more times the whole site with other people’s talks on as well as mine will be taken down. Here is what was too offensive and upsetting to be shown to the world.....
The Covid shots were on trial for 28 days-drugs are normally tested for 7 to 10 yrs. (Headline)
• This was part of the slide that caused the problem.
• US insurance companies reported a 40% increase in excess mortality among working-age adults in Autumn 2021. A 10% all-cause mortality rise is a once in a 200-year catastrophe, so 40% is off the charts.
• All-cause mortality was up by about 40%. The smoking gun in the CDC data was found when excess mortality was broken down by age group.
• Millennials, those between the ages of 25 and 44, had a 84% increase in excess mortality during autumn of 2021.
• The U.K., has seen excess mortality rise between 10% and 20% since the shots rolled out. In other areas, and/or in certain age categories, excess mortality is far greater,
• “They try to explain it away by saying, well, lockdowns cause deaths of despair, suicides, drugs and alcohol, and people missing their cancer screenings. Well, in a three-month timeframe, we went from 40% to 50% excess mortality in the summer, to 84% excess mortality into the fall for the millennial age group, which represented about 61,000 people between March of '21 and February of '22.
• Source: Edward Dowd on Dr Mercola website
This slide may also have annoyed them:
• Free speech is history (Headline)
• We are fast heading for global government backed by a one world religion, all electronic buying and selling and control of education (which is now more like indoctrination).
• The attempt to abolish sexual differences and even gender itself is aided by control of the main means of expression and news access.
• No non-mainstream views are allowed on big media, so forget challenging anything from evolution to the man-made climate change myth.
I think they proved me right by denying me free speech!
I had more controversial slides including one calling the Church of England “not so much a church as a national disgrace.* I illustrated this with a picture of a female vicar marrying two men. I also insulted the Pope,
There were also pictures of an occult ceremony to launch the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham which featured a mechanical bull three stories high which was surrounded by dancers who raised their hands, bowed and worshipped it. Then a woman climbed to the top and rode it......
The Woman Riding the Beast-featured all over the EU. I will send you links via my other e-mail. None of this caused youtube a problem. It was challenging the official figures on Covid which did it.
We transferred to Rumble-
Beware, our remaining liberties hang by a thread.
Best regards to all our readers from Alan